Joe Biden’s Bizarre Warning
Is he aware of something the rest of us are not? ABC News’ Matthew Jaffe Reports: Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sundayguaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be testedby an international crisis […]
The voice of the European American nation
Is he aware of something the rest of us are not? ABC News’ Matthew Jaffe Reports: Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., on Sundayguaranteed that if elected, Sen. Barack Obama., D-Ill., will be testedby an international crisis […]
The severed heads of four men have been delivered by a courier service to a police station in northern Mexico, according to the local authorities. The heads, all of men believed aged between 25-35, arrived […]
History’s mark-to-market to Third World status may, if we are lucky, awaken a sleeping giant. To begin with, an economy based on consumption, borrowing andspeculation rather than on production, saving and investment is agreater fool […]
In June 2007, Sony apologized to the Church of England after settingscenes in a violent video game inside Manchester Cathedral. On thatoccasion the game was not withdrawn. Sony has postponed the global release of a […]
If you do NOT vote for Obama because he’s black, you’re a racist. But if you DO vote for Obama because he’s black you’re a patriot. — Ed. Two decades ago, Douglas Wilder watched as […]
We collectively allowed the ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) seeds to be planted years ago; and the harvest is now ready. Even the neocons get it. “>EAUThe Robin Hood Foundation funds ACORN […]
Endorsement of Obama shocks “" conservatives by Andrew Redmond Colin Powell, the black affirmative action careerist whose color raised him to high level office in both the military and government, has stunned other Republicans, […]
France bans burqa in immigrant classes and Denmark secularises its courts France has banned the wearing of, another veil, in French classes for immigrants. French language classes are mandatory for immigrants applying for […]
The next few weeks and months will see us stabilize and weather this crisis or descend into a terrifying dystopia. by Chris Hedges It is no longer our economy but ourdemocracy that is in peril. […]
That’s the lesson that John Lewis was trying toteach John McCain. (There’s also a “lesson” for Anthony Asadullah Samad and John Lewis at the bottom this piece. Thanks. –Roman) Much ado has been made over […]