Italy Proposes Two Year Immigration Ban: Leftists Whine

Translated from Spanish:

According to a law projection, it would prevail between 2009 and 2010.The measurement, without precedents in Europe, is a reaction to theglobal economic crisis. Although it looks to contain laborimbalances, it express the serious recession that affects thecountry.

By: Julio Alga6naraz
The minister of the Interior, Maroni Robert, announced yesterday in theParliament his support to the initiative of North Liga – of which hecomprises to close by two years the Italian borders to the entrance ofimmigrants. In case the new law of security that has entered the Senateapproves with this amendment, Italy will become the first Europeancountry that takes this extreme measurement. North Liga, whose leaderis minister Umberto Bossi, often has been accused of xenophobe, racistand separatist.

The catholic weekly magazine Christian Family, the sold magazine moreof Italy, said yesterday in an editorial that the propose law “isunworthy of a State of right”.

“The economic situation that involves to Italy and the other countriesof the world demands a kind evaluation of the policies ligatures to theworld of immigration”, said Maroni before Deputies. “Until a few monthsago it was possible to be thought about coming like in the years lastwith the decrees that establish the flows of new extracommunitycitizens, with regulating work permission”. But the crisis has changedthe situation – it added and “a moratorium of two years to theimmigratory flows would be useful”.
Maroni justified exceptional the restrictive measures in the necessityto return to give a use to the regular immigrants who are losing theirwork by the big wave of dismissals motivated by the economic crisis.Italy is in recession from April and the next year will diminish itsproductive activity at least in a 1%, according to the estimations.

The minister said that the decision would not be a new one because in2004 the European Commission decided the same when the Union expandedfrom 15 to 25 countries. But the reality is different. What it wassuspended – and only some countries they applied the measurement wasthe free movement of people in the European space on the part of thenew communitarian citizens, who had like before requesting the workpermissions. Now however, by two years the borders would be closedhermetically.

Maroni said that “stop to immigration” would be applied in 2009 and2010, because they are already in force the 170 thousand income by thisyear. The minister noticed that the closing of the borders to theextracommunity ones could even be applied “without the approval of alaw”.

North Liga of Umberto Bossi, of that Maroni is its second andapparently its successor, also introduced in the project of securitylaw the creation of “rounds” of citizens to control the order at locallevel. This initiative has brought about many competing critics, ofcatholic sectors and until of the same majority of centroderecha. NorthLiga promoted years ago these neighbor groups who take a walk all thenights dressed in green shirts, the colors of Liga, in the northerncities, requests documents, mainly controls the foreigners. “Citizenthey are armed only of good will” that they cooperate with the Police,Maroni two days ago said.

In the city of Treviso, famous by the “sheriffs” of North Liga, anunexpected ally arose from left for Bossi and Maroni. The regionalsecretary of the CGIL of the Véneto, Emilio Viafora, supported thedecision to block by two years the borders to the entrance of newregular workers. “It is necessary to protect to that already they arehere and they are losing the uses because if no, once they remainwithout work, runs the risk of being expelled”, Viafora said.

In Italy there are 3.5 million regular foreigners, the double that forsix years. The progress of the call “racially mixed Italy”, inevitablebecause the Italians have in average 1.5 children and the country agesquickly, badly is tolerated by the Italians. Old and old hundreds ofthousands of are accompanied all the day by recruited domesticpersonnel between the foreigners, “the badantes” calls.

A sounding that will be known today in Corriere della Sera indicatesthat 85% of the citizens of the Peninsula do not want that moreforeigners enter. Racism and the xenophobia than in the other Europeancountries grow more. More of 60% of the Italians they consider “adanger for the security” the presence of foreigners and 68% think that“the majority is clandestine”, which is totally false. The intolerancetowards the foreigners, mainly for poorest and of dark skin, ends everyday more at episodes of physical and psychic violence against theimmigrants, who are indispensable for the Italian life. They bloom yousoothe facist and until Nazis. The tomb of dictator Benito Mussolini inPredappio, its native town in Romagna, has become to put fashionableand many young people are going to venerate their memory. The rejectionof immigration and racism and the xenophobia are parallel phenomena.

