The Truth About ‘Hate Crimes’ and the Racial Justice Racket

“Hate crimes,” as trumpeted by the likes of the Southern Poverty LawCenter, are a questionable legal construct used almost exclusivelyagainst whites.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is a thriving business. TheAlabama-based “nonprofit” firm has become a font of riches for founderMorris Dees and his associates. Its last tax return (2005) showed ittook in nearly $111 million in donations the previous four years aloneand reported assets of $189.4 million at the end of 2005.

Itsbusiness is fundraising, and its success at raking in the cash is basedon its ability to sell gullible people on the idea that present-dayAmerica is awash in white racism and anti-Semitism, which it will fighttooth-and-nail as the public interest law firm it purports to be. Thatmight lead a skeptic to wonder why it spends little on litigation andwhy Mr. Dees pockets a lot of money sent in by panicked donors who buyinto the smear campaigns against organizations or prominent individualswho question racial preference programs.
To me and to other observant conservatives, the Southern Poverty LawCenter is a clever scam, relentlessly cultivating for profit the fearthat this nation is filled with Klansmen and rife with people eager toperpetrate genocide. If you’re curious about this organization and itslegitimacy, spend some time on the Internet and assess it for yourself,because I want to move on to something else related to the comment byMr. Potok. He mentions cross-burnings on the lawns of interracialcouples. If this is true, shame on those who do such things, but whatyou probably don’t know about – and what the law center ignores – isthe atrocity committed on an interracial couple in Winchester, Calif.:

