Obama’s Israel Test

http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3642 by Scott McConnell Laying the groundwork for a bold presidential bid, the young Democratic senator set up a meeting with a key leader of the http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3613 community. He had won substantial Jewish support in […]

Ferraro Calls Race Bluff

“Racism works in two different directions. I really think they’re attacking me because I’m white. How’s that?” Hillary Clinton loyalist and 1984 Democratic Vice Presidential hopeful Geraldine Ferraro, sick of seeing blacks “http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3234 is a […]

BBC ‘Sympathetic’ to Judas

http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3099 By http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3518 Judas Iscariot was really, really torn about betraying Jesus and was just misunderstood, anyway. And Pontius Pilate? Well, he was just an honest, but beleaguered public servant who was just trying to […]