Strategy–A Way to Defeat Political Islam

A framework to overcome political Islam: it can be done and it must be done.

Before we discuss strategy, we must declare our moral purpose. Our moral purpose is to defend the very existence of the culture of the Golden Rule, an ethical civilization, from the 1400-year assault by the dualistic ethics of political Islam. We must stop the continued killing of kafirs, the enslavement of humanity and the spread of terror by Islam.

Islam represents 20% of the world’s population and is growing. Islam is united, has a vision, a strategy and successful tactics.

Political correctness and multi-culturalism rule our world. Our government will not help in this war and instead gives aid and comfort to the “minority” Muslims. Our government is staffed by multiculturalists who will give every edge to Muslims. Our schools have been occupied by the Muslim Brotherhood and the dhimmi leftist professors.Kafirs are divided into Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, conservative and liberal. Each of the divisions has further divisions. The relations between the groups is marked by historical rivalries and hatreds. No group comprehends the suffering of others at the hands of Islam.So not only do none of the victims know their own story, they do not know the story of the others.**

The Muslims have a great momentum. They are taking over by birth and immigration.

We have fewer children while Muslims have huge families. Osama bin Laden has 53 children. Demographic statistics show that France will become Islamic in the year 2020. Run the population numbers.

Islam knows us well. Islam knows our history, secret shame, rivalries and hatreds, weaknesses and divisions. Kafirs don’t know anything about Islam. We may fear and dislike it but that is just “feelings”, not knowledge. Our so-called experts (none of whom know the actual doctrine of political Islam) make apologies and tell us that all of Islam’s problems are caused by our poor governmental policies.

We are filled with cultural self-loathing, demoralized, fatalistic, nihilistic, too fat and too rich. (Wealthy people are weak at war, they have too much to protect.) We have lost the mind of war and feel that “peace” is the moral high ground. We are pacifists in the face of jihad. Our artists extol the virtues of peace with no knowledge about what happens when peaceful people are vanquished.

A Strategy for the Weak

At this stage of our intellectual and emotional development, our strategies are limited.  We are too weak to attack Islam and need an opening strategy for now.

First, we must learn the doctrine of political Islam. We must know the enemy. We must also know who our allies are and who are the allies of Islam. We have two sets of enemies-the far enemy, Islam, and the near enemy-those who apologize for Islam, the dhimmis.

The thought of actually attacking Islam is too frightening at this stage of the game.

However, we can make flanking attacks on our enemy’s allies, the apologists. Even dhimmis can think about attacking or pressuring the near enemy.

We can make a flanking attack on our enemy by attacking his strategies. We must expose Islam through its doctrine from the Koran, the Sunna (the Hadith and the Sira).

According to Sun Tsu in The Art of War, attacking your enemy’s strategy is the highest level strategy. And Islam’s strategy is laid out in the Trilogy. We now have the weapons, the books exposing their strategy.

Another principle of Sun Tsu is to shape the enemy. Islam always poses as a religion to cloak their politics . It is useless to attack a religion, so Islamic politics are under the radar. We must shape Islam as a political doctrine. We must attack the far enemy-political

Islam. This means that we attack Mohammed, not Allah.

So we have a slogan for our opening strategy:

    * Build community

     * Expose the far enemy

     * Attack the near enemy


**It must be noted that of all the groups listed, European derived people are not specifically listed as a cohesive group. And while it is true there are divisions in the list provided by the author, more often than not those divisions are fairly small as evidenced by the “clout” each group can rightfully claim. Additionally, religious and political labels aside, European derived people around the world MUST have more children; and their parents inculcate into them the dangers of Islam to their race on a historical footing. Period.

EAU does not necessarily subscribe to or agree with all viewpoints herein.
