French Racism Industrialist Investigated

Money laundering and corruption investigation launched into founder of “racism” shakedown group

One of the founding members of a organization committed to “fighting racism” is under investigation by the French government for crimes related to money laundering and corruption, according to reports, among them an in depth article in Liberation, France’s leftist daily newspaper.

Julien Dray, a former, was to tie up patriots in court cases brought by the organizations, efforts which have proven expensive for some nationalists but did not slow the advance of the FN. In fact, the transition of the French (and all European) left from support of working class interests to an embrace of new Third World immigrant populations has made the FN France’s blue collar voice. In the the presidential elections of 2002, the FN’s Jean Marie Le Pen destroyed the Socialists in the first round, going head to head against the conservatives. The FN’s success was a massive shock to the French ruling elite, marking a clear dividing line between the opposition, represented by Le Pen’s milieu, and the system, a coalition of conservatives, socialists, Islamists along with Trotskyists and other far leftists.

SOS Racisme claims to speak for France’s Third World population and rally it to support the status quo. But the close links both SOS Racisme and the MRAP have with
