Good News: Ethnicity STILL Trumps Everything

Globalism vs. Ethnonationalism by Pat Buchanan

Standing before the Siegessaule, the Victory Column thatcommemorates Prussia’s triumphs over Denmark, Austria and France in thewars that birthed the Second Reich, Barack Obama declared himself a“citizen of the world” and spoke of “a world that stands as one.”

Globalists rejoiced. And the election of this son of a whiteteenager from Kansas and a black academic from Kenya is said to haveushered us into the new “post-racial” age.

Are we deluding ourselves? Worldwide, the mightiest force of the20th century, ethnonationalism — that creator and destroyer of nationsand empires; that enduring drive of peoples for a nation-state wheretheir faith and culture is dominant and their race or tribe is supreme— seems more manifest than ever.

Inside Ehud Olmert’s cabinet, a rising star is Avigdor Lieberman.What Lieberman’s “merry men” advocate, writes the American Prospect, is“ethnic cleansing: As the creepy name (which translates into ‘Our HomeIs Israel’) suggests, Yisrael Beiteinu believes the million-plus Arabcitizens of Israel must be expelled.”

Barack won the African-American vote 97 percent to 3 percent overJohn McCain, and 90 percent to 10 percent over Hillary Clinton in thelater primaries. McCain ran stronger than George W. Bush only inAppalachia, the laager of the Scots-Irish.

