by John Young
We are entering a time when the corrupt and unworthy globalist cabalthat is running things is going to be as vulnerable as they have everbeen and throwing off their yoke will be easier than at any point inthe recent past or than it will be twenty years from now.
I don’t envy President Obama. As much as I disagree with so much ofhis philosophy and so many of his initiatives, I can only imagine thathis first weeks inhabiting the Oval Office have been sobering in theextreme. We have a quagmire in Southwest Asia from which a gracefulexit is all but precluded by the special interests that helped him getelected, so he’s stymied there. We have an economic meltdown on ourhands where his advisors give only bad solutions and his hands are tiedfrom implementing workable ones by a powerful finance sector.
In essence, President Obama is caught by the classic “Hammer and Anvil” tactic.
In military terms, the Hammer and Anvil involves catching an enemyforce either between two strong units, or between a strong unit and animpassable barrier. In practice, either the Hammer or Anvil is usuallyconcealed from the enemy so the enemy is unaware of his predicament soit cannot be evaded. Peak Oil and structural limits to debt andtaxation are the Anvil and entrenched special interests are the Hammer;with President Obama caught in between.
The Hammer of special interests surrounds President Obama, assuringthat he does nothing contrary to their best interests — the Americanpeople be damned. Whether we are talking about Rahm Emmanuel, RobertReich, Tim Geithner or Christina Romer, the President is surrounded bypeople who put him in a box from which escape is impossible, forcinghis back against the concealed Anvil of looming energy shortages,impossible entitlement obligations and spiraling national debt.
President Obama is caught in the middle of the road with the Hammeron one side, the Anvil on the other side, and an 18-wheeler comingaround the bend.
So, my considerable disagreements with the President notwithstanding, I can’t help feeling some sympathy for his position.
But not TOO much sympathy. After all, he wasn’t drafted. He went outof his way to make all sorts of unholy alliances with myriad specialinterests in order to secure his current position; and he is plentysmart enough to know that such alliances come at considerable cost interms of freedom of action. So he willingly agreed to walk right inbetween the Hammer and Anvil.
Lately, President Obama — in concert with other world leaders —seems to have found a way out of the Peak Oil dilemma. The Peak Oildilemma, simply stated, is that it is real, unavoidable, and will profoundly affect life on this planet.Meanwhile, our politicians are completely silent about the issue eventhough we are right on top of it. When it comes — if it hasn’t already— there are going to be serious challenges to civilization itself andcertainly the legitimacy of the current political order. The dilemma ishow to maintain legitimacy (and rulership) in the face of what could becatastrophic upheavals.
When I speak of legitimacy and rulership, I’m not really speakingabout politicians. Politicians, even the President, are just proxiesfor the special interests that pay for their campaigns. What I amspeaking of, instead, is those very special interests who tend to rulefrom behind the scenes. They are extremely worried about maintainingtheir grip and control through the Long Emergency described by Kunstler.
For some time I have wondered why the globalistcabal has been pushing the Global Warming scare so hard. I alreadysuspected it was largely false or manufactured, and the near unanimousacceptance of the phenomenon by political leaders and media outletsmade it clear that, like the lies about race, the promotion of GlobalWarming served the interests of the global cabal in some form orfashion. But I couldn’t figure out why. Thankfully, President Obama tipped his hand.
It turns out the President Obama has plans to reduce the United States’ “carbon footprint” by a whopping 80% by 2050.
Most people don’t really have any conception of what that means, so let me give you a comparison.
Pretend you got rid of your car, and took only public transportationwherever you went, doubled the insulation of your home, switched tocompact fluorescent lighting, and turned down your thermostat to 58degrees. Pretend that, in addition, you used all Energy Star ratedappliances and you recycled anything that came into your life thatcould be recycled. Do you know how much you’d reduce your carbonfootprint? By only 20%. That’s all. A mere 20%.
A logical question might be “where is the other 80% of my energyconsumption?” It is in the food you eat, the clothes you wear, and inproviding everything that goes into the house where you live.
Think about it this way. Pretend you make $1,000/month (after taxes)and you currently spend $400 on debt service, leaving you $600 fromwhich you buy food, transportation, electricity, home heating, clothes,entertainment and whatnot. Is there a single thing that you will buywith your $600 that does NOT use energy in its production and inbringing it to you? No.
So this should start to answer that question about what is involvedin cutting the country’s carbon footprint by 80%. Less food. Lessclothing. Less electricity. Less entertainment. In fact, less ofEVERYTHING. And not just a little bit less, but enough less thatsuburbs essentially disappear, people are living in cubicles, food iscrap and practically every scrap of clothing is recycled. The good newsis that our obesity problems will be solved.
That picture looks awfully bleak. But imagine, for a moment, thedifference between Americans moving to such conditions gradually, in acontrolled manner, in the interests of “saving the world from globalwarming” as opposed to dropping into them suddenly, without warning orcontrol, and with a globalist cabal eating filet mignon in front of uslaughing in our faces. Which approach is more likely to keep control ofthe globe within existing hands?
So now you know the true secret of Global Warming. Global Warming isone attempt by our ruling cabal to manage the resource scarcity that wewill be seeing with Peak Oil in such a way as to preserve their ownundeserved positions of dominance while consolidating their control. Isay “one attempt” because they are undoubtedly working on other anglesas well, such as reduction of population in areas where energyconsumption is greatest per-capita. This might take place through warsor any number of means.
But the whole point is to have their cake and eat it too.
And they’ll have that IF we do not head them off at the pass, and we CAN head them off at the pass.
We are entering a time when the corrupt and unworthy globalist cabalthat is running things is going to be as vulnerable as they have everbeen and throwing off their yoke will be easier than at any point inthe recent past or than it will be twenty years from now.
Secessionist and sovereignty movements are gaining ground andbuilding a head of steam. The global cabal maintains control throughleverage and consolidation, and any form of break-up threatens theirability to maintain control. As long as the Federal government ispre-eminent, they only need to corrupt maybe 1,000 people to rule thewhole country. But how many would they have to corrupt in order to dealwith 26 different sovereign states within this land mass?
Resource scarcity almost always creates resource competition, and in multiethnic regions, it leads to ethnic conflict. Thismeans that separatist organizations ranging from the New Black Panthersto the Lakota Sioux will have a realistic bid to create autonomousbreak-away entities, as well as people like US.
Let me put it to you this way: you can be an ant on the global antfarm, or you can take control of your own destiny for yourself andfuture generations. The choice is yours.