Neocons, One And All

Any institution that can eliminate the right to self-preservation can eliminate any right whatsoever.

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

Last week we discussed why the neoconservatives, who have convinced the masses into believing that they are in fact real conservatives, hated and vilified presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul and people like him in the last national election cycle. We concluded that the Fox News crowd is at best two-faced about their alleged “conservatism’; that if they were REAL conservatives, or better yet bona fide Constitutionalists, they AND the libertarians, the populists and others would have worked together to pull out all stops to elect Ron Paul as the next POTUS.

Last week we said given that the neoconservatives are always complaining about the lack of adherence to the constitution by the federal government they should have worked round the clock to elect a man with whom they allegedly share the same values and ideology (they don’t), a man who stood out in stark contrast from all of the other Beltway hacks running for president. For the sake of fairness and accuracy we also stated that while Ron Paul is categorically not in possession of a single racially conscious bone in his body, a Paul administration nonetheless would have been exceptionally agreeable to our people and EAU; allowing us in due course to fine tune our state and local government as a means of installing the officials who will safeguard the individual rights and continuity of our people. You know, working for real change.In the simplest terms neocons see our civil liberties as an unnecessary restriction on government power. In spite of their shrillness to the contrary (via Sean Hannity, Michael Steele, etc) it matters little to them that the land of our European forbears who created the constitution and the Bill of Rights for a specific people only is now the greatest debtor nation in history; that U.S. manufacturing has been hollowed out with thousands of plants closed and tens of millions of industrial jobs vanishing.

Millions of Hispanics are allowed to march through U.S. cities demanding amnesty and all rights of citizenship for illegal aliens who are breaking the law by even being here. As long as profits are good for the international bankers and global (American) corporations they do not care that the immigration tsunami rolling over America is not coming from Europe but rather from all the races of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

You see much like the Trotskyites over at Media Matters and the Anti Defamation League the neoconservatives’ don’t in point of fact care directly about our people, except in terms of economics when it suits them. Even back in 2005, when the Census Bureau reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European, you never heard them talk about it. That’s because they’ve helped perpetuate the lie that with the right paperwork, a gibbering understanding of English and the right “attitude” the new black eyed swarthy aliens will become American citizen’s equivalent to our forbears who arrived at Ellis Island from Europe in the 19th century.

So it should come as no surprise when these liars and self righteous do-gooders on the right (and left) didn’t say squat about last year’s Census report which warned that by 2043 (instead of 2050) European Americans are destined for racial minority status — with mestizos, Asians and blacks vying for the top slot. No, you’ll never hear them talk about that either. That too is because the neoconservatives, like the most radical Marxist partisan, have helped to encourage the American climate of opposition to what they call “ethnic bigotry” allegedly perpetrated for several decades by ONLY white Americans; while at the same time they have been supplicating before non-white and Semitic advocates in positions of authority for roughly the same amount of time. But, because of Ron Paul’s (or Chuck Baldwin’s) strict interpretation of the Constitution our chance to correct many issues detrimental to our people could have possibly increased exponentially, & in a relatively short period of time. And I believe on some level our enemies know that.

Bowing to Idi Amin

Preventing European Americans from doing anything about our dispossession — preventing us from even thinking about our own survival as a people — preventing us from undoing what the left/right media have done to us — is the real reason the politicians and their media supervisors treat even the most benign white racialists as if they are the SS personified; and black and brown racialists like they are death camp liberators. Reminiscent of their secular progressive counterparts the Fox News Neocons especially seem to like the heterogeneous assault on our population because it ties in with their bastardized corporate-scripted variety of Judeo-Christian liberalism; their dangerous silence on this matter making our situation more and more irreversible unless something isn’t done now. And I do mean right now. In fact “only European-American homogeneity has the possibility of creating an environment compatible with Constitutional restoration — and even then, only under certain conditions that would more perfectly prevent the most profound forms of corruption (John Young).”

And really, does it not stand to reason that European Americans would not be slated for *minority status in 2043, had we not been tricked into listening to the neoconservatives and their leftist clan members, had we continued to cultivate a vigorous morality which led us to continue to do what was right before the electronic rot set in; had we elected the right people under a Republic in the first place, had we not replaced consumerism with freedom? Indeed, the basic theory of national identity in America has been stood on its head in the course of just a few generations, all in the name of multiracialism, all in the name of diversity, all in the name of tolerance as spewed by the fake conservatives over at Fox News and the real Marxists everywhere else, like our universities.
*A prospect not lost on advertisers, saysMelanie Shreffler, editor of Marketing to the Emerging Majorities, anindustry newsletter.

In the face of proper tradition which worked almost flawlessly for the majority of our nation’s existence the present fraudulent system now wants to colonize our country with a ‘diverse,’ easily-subjected mass of retail slaves and corporate media zombies, whereas resourceful, independent-thinking white people are penciled in for replacement. But…they dare not talk about it. Not only does this government even use our confiscated tax money to financially support numerous non-White advocacy groups, but so do many of the same globalist open border corporations whose names appear on NASCAR’s stock cars, for example. But — white promotional group members get smeared, victimized, and sometimes prosecuted (most especially in Europe). And they certainly receive no tax money from the government or NASCAR’s sponsors. The new American pretense is that we all must act as if race does not exist and never do anything to favor our own racial kin, whatever our race may be. But the American reality is that only white people must pretend that race does not exist — and non-Whites can racially organize all they want. That kind of double standard is inherent in multiracialism, and it is doubled when we have the politically correct, politically expedient anti-white variety pushed by the neoconservatives whether they are politicians or the media loudmouths who control the politicians.

Now I don’t want to come across as a die hard booster for Dr. Paul’s post presidential candidacy. He wasn’t going to be a “right wing” Barack Mugabe-like messiah and he puts his pants on like everyone else. But I’d like to restate that his occupation of the White House would over time prove to be vastly more beneficial to EAU’s operations and the goals of those operations. But of course, Fox News and the snickering, disrespectful opponents on the Republican side (fake conservatives), who acted almost exactly like hard core leftists were being channeled through them, felt fearful enough to shut him down. This is to say he was doing something right. Wiping the Federal Reserve off the map was out of the question.  Fair Tax, forget it. An infusion of more capital for immigration enforcement, you’re kidding right? The right to privacy and gun ownership as enumerated in the constitution, well let’s talk about it. And on every one of these points a strong responsible pro European American advocate would have had a better chance of unrestricted social and political success had the right man been elected to office.

Neocons, one and all is what they are.

As you know Dr. Paul was quickly joined by tens of millions of Americans when they heard the idiotic, theory-swollen attempts by the seventeen other candidates to rationalize the squandering waste of American lives, treasure, and security in Iraq for exactly the kind of ideological democracy, conditional freedom and human rights the Founders not only warned against, but damned to hell. At debate’s end it was clear to us at EAU that the self-appointed emperors –inbred neocon supremacists one and all — in the media and in Washington DC have no clothes…and still don’t.

Acknowledging and upholding the fact that America is a traditionally white country borne of the finest elements from Europe, is deeply troubling to the government media and educational system. So the evidence and words of this reality is endlessly undermined, managed, or point-blank sent down the memory hole. Yet every day, Euro derived people in America are becoming a smaller percentage of the population, and the demographic projections cited here today should be terrifying to anyone with a sense of responsibility. Less than eight percent of the world’s population is white, while not even a century ago the world’s population was one third of the global population. Today, only two percent of the world’s white population consisting of females of childbearing age or less is what we have to work with. By 2043, whites will be a minority in the United States. Less than twenty-three percent of Americans under the age of eighteen are European American. Unlike true conservatives like Pat Buchanan, when was the last time you heard the Fox Snooze neocons analyze that situation?* Like I said last week it was these same neoconservative blowhards, these same mawkish globalists (over at Fox News) who actually put Obama in the White House. By dancing around the subject of America’s traditional European founding they have all but assured the population stays in the dark.

*”Hell is truth seen too late” –Thomas Hobbes

While we can certainly expect such obfuscation from groups like the SPLC, the ADL and even Harvard U, to sit there and decry America’s watering down of constitutional law while demonizing presidential candidates like Ron Paul who would have restored it, while also ignoring the specific objective (of the founders) that America was meant to be a satellite of Europe, is downright malicious. If its blame they want to assign for the train wreck now sitting in the Oval Office, they don’t have to charge the typical brain dead voter which they themselves helped to spawn. They need to blame themselves, especially since there are plenty of uninfected people who share a growing mistrust of them on an almost instinctive level. And more often than not their instincts are not wrong.

Nevertheless what’s the alternative?  You can’t just do away with the government and media without something better to take its place. This country still allows open dialogue—though less everyday—and we who will challenge the status quo should push the discussion and expose, shame and ridicule those who drive our policies—without remorse. It is getting more difficult to get fair and balanced discussion on the issues, because it has become customary for the Machiavelli neoconservatives on the right and the Neo-Marxists on the left – supremacists one and all– to label and defame those who object to open borders, multiculturalism, and global ambitions as unpatriotic and un-American. In fact we’re almost at the point where we need a call to arms, both in Washington and across the country. No, I’m not talking about firearms, at least not now. But those of us who care about our people — and our people alone — need to raise absolute hell. Enough is enough! European Americans especially are getting screwed from politicians who are pushed by polls, political correctness, subversive doctrines, and controlled by special-interest money.

Indeed, anyone listening to this podcast who understands what’s at stake and does nothing will be just as culpable as they are.

(For further advice with reference to the activities and goals of EAU please go here.)
