Banks and Buck$
What happens when political correctness goes to far? How banks were literally bullied into giving bad loans Some populations require more welfare than others 2009-04-06
The voice of the European American nation
What happens when political correctness goes to far? How banks were literally bullied into giving bad loans Some populations require more welfare than others 2009-04-06
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An admission of demographic replacement? [snip] “The liberal-left politicians want illegal aliens counted as American citizens in order to gather more votes, plain and simple,” he said. Baker also mentioned that the overall plan of […]
No, that’s not a misprint. $50,000 dollars. We have to wonder at the amount of aid that might have been given had it been a Muslim country (Here) or even the State of Israel struck […]
6.3 magnitude earthquake strikes heart of Europe. Rescue workers using bare hands and buckets searched frantically for students believed buried in a wrecked dormitory after Italy’sdeadliest quake in nearly three decades struck this medieval citybefore […] By If there is one thing Rep. John Conyers did not want, it was premature news that his extremely dangerous new federal hate crimes bill (HR 1913) had been entered into the House […]