Facebook Censors “Our White Identity”

WVWNews Exclusive: Action Required

Several members of European Americans United independently set up a Facebook page entitled “Our White Identity.” Over the course of its existence, this page garnered over 1,000 friends while maintaining the most strict standards of ethics in keeping with EAU’s own Statement of Ethics. In a nutshell, this means that nothing hateful, derogatory, defamatory or containing ethnic slurs was ever permitted on the website.

In spite of this overwhelmingly positive and responsible approach, Facebook opted to delete “Our White Identity” for alleged (and not specified) violations of the Terms of Service.

An EAU member who was an officer for “Our White Identity” sent Facebook a protest letter to their address at warning@facebook.com. That letter is reproduced here:

To Whom It May Concern,

I was just informed that the group “OurWhite Identity”, in which I was an Officer, was deleted for allegedviolations of Facebook’s Code of Conduct. I am extremely disappointedwith Facebook because of this.

I know for a fact that there arepeople on Facebook who trawl the vast assortment of Groups and Pageswith the sole purpose of “combating hate”, which, in other words, meansthey “report” groups and people with whom they disagree politically.

Iwould like to take this chance to assure the powers that be withinFacebook that “Our White Identity” was about as far away from a “hategroup” as one can imagine. The group’s administrators work tirelesslyto both promote positive discussion about issues of importance toEuropean-Americans and to keep out those people who say things thatwould lead to the group’s deletion. With a membership of one thousandand rising, this is obviously no simple task. You all in the Facebookstaff surely understand this. …

In short, I find it grossly unfair to delete such a popular groupbecause of the words and actions of a few bad apples who managed toslip in and say things which violated Facebook’s Code of Conduct. I’mpained to point out the existence of dozens of groups that actuallypromote a hateful message; it’s unfair to delete our group, with itspositive message, because some “anti-racist” with too much time on hishands “reported” something he didn’t like.

Of course, if thegroup was deleted because you all in the Facebook staff disagree withthe group’s message and its members’ political opinions, that’s anothermatter entirely. I certainly hope this isn’t the case. As one of thelargest social networks on the web, I’d hope you would uphold the rightof free speech and open discussion, regardless of whether or not youagree with what’s being said.

We, the officers of Our WhiteIdentity, would like very much to have our group back so we cancontinue our positive activism and discussion. I thank you in advance.

First off — our hats are off to the EAU members who took the initiative to create and manage a Facebook page; and also to take the censors at Facebook to task politely.

Second — members and supporters who are concerned about corporate censorship of even the most benign, positive and non-hateful expressions of European-American identity are encouraged to contact Facebook with a polite and intelligently written Email requesting the reinstatement of Our White Identity. You can use the above letter as a template for your own.

Send emails to: warning@facebook.com with “Please reinstate Our White Identity” in the subject line.

Remember: all that is required for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.
