Rep. Frank: Judiciary Could Approve Hate Bill Next Week!

By Rev. Ted Pike

Homosexual activist Rep. could be approved by the House Judiciary Committee soon after lawmakers return to Congress on April 20.

The Washington Blade, online homosexual news magazine, says, “US Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass), the longest-serving openly gay member of Congress, announced Thursday that the House Judiciary Committee would consider the legislation the week of April 20. He’s expecting the committee to pass the bill and that the House will vote on the bill later this spring.” According to the Blade, Frank says, “I look forward to it being passed and signed by a president who is committed to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.” (April 15, 2009)

The Blade also quotes Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign: “The fact that we now introduced the bill in the House and are set to move in the next few weeks is going to … start this process, and hopefully it’ll be done and on the president’s desk in as expeditious a period as possible.”

Becky Dansky, federal legislative director for the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, is also hopeful. “We anticipate that things will move very quickly when the House comes back from recess. The committee markup [will be followed by floor consideration almost immediately.” The Blade concludes, “Solmonese and Dansky said they expected a House floor vote on the legislation later this month or in May, but the timeline was less clear in the U.S. Senate.”As NPN has predicted, Rep. Conyers’ new bill was designed to be moved very rapidly through Judiciary. It is exactly the same legislation that was passed in the House two years ago; thus, we warned that the House Judiciary, dominated by pro-hate bill liberals, probably would not even hold hearings. This is also the opinion of Solmonese. “As for congressional hearings, Solmonese said they won’t take place in the House and he wasn’t certain about whether any would happen in the Senate. Dansky also said she didn’t think hearings were needed in either chamber of Congress.”

Meanwhile, most major Christian/conservative websites, while opposed to a federal hate crimes bill in general, have not specifically mentioned the existence of Conyers’ bill. (These include Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America, American Center for Law and Justice, Liberty Counsel, etc.)!

All who love freedom must make up the difference and protest NOW! Call toll-free 1-877-851-6437 or toll 1-202-225-3121. Tell your two Senators and House member, “Please don’t vote for Rep. Conyers’ very dangerous hate crimes bill, HR 1913, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act.”

Homosexual activists are urging people to phone, email and fax Congress in favor of HR 1913. Again, the Blade: “Although passage of the legislation is widely expected, Dansky said supporters of the bill “can’t afford to get lazy.” She said the strategy for passing the bill should involve Hill lobbying and grassroots mobilization.”

Will lovers of freedom do as much? It’s now or never for YOU to pick up the phone and fight back.
