If you, the American people, are forced to once again fight foryour liberty in another American Revolution, you will not be alone. Wewill stand with you. Some mistakenly believe they must follow anyorder the President issues. But you can rest assured that many othersin the military do understand that their loyalty is to theConstitution, and understand what that means. (more below)
OathKeepers is an association of currently serving military, veterans, andpeace officers who will fulfill the oath we swore to support and defendthe Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help usGod.
Our oath is to the Constitution, not to the politicians (orthe banksters!), and we will not obey unconstitutional (and thusunlawful) and immoral orders, such as orders to disarm the Americanpeople or to place them under martial law and deprive them of theirancient right to jury trial. We Oath Keepers have drawn a line in thesand. We will not just follow orders.”
Our motto is: Not on our watch!
Guardians of the Republic. Honor Your Oath. Join Us! Ifyou, the American people, are forced to once again fight for yourliberty in another American Revolution, you will not be alone. We willstand with you. Some mistakenly believe they must follow any orderthe President issues. But you can rest assured that many others in themilitary do understand that their loyalty is to the Constitution, andunderstand what that means.
The mission of Oath Keepers is tovastly increase their numbers. We are in a battle for the hearts andminds of our own troops. To win that battle, Oath Keepers will usewritten and video testimony of active duty military, veterans(especially combat vets), and peace officers to reach, teach, andinspire our brothers in arms in the military and police to fulfilltheir oaths and stand as guardians of the Republic.
If you arecurrently in the military, are a veteran, or are a peace officer,please submit you written and/or video testimony on your oath, so youcan help us win that battle for hearts and minds. Your submission maybe anonymous.
Guardians of the Republic, honor your oath. Join us.
Go to http://oath-keepers.blogspot.com/