The BNP’s Reverend Robert West

The following letter has just been published in a leading Church of England newspaper:


As a member of the British NationalParty and as their lead candidate for the European Community electionsfor the East Midlands, due to take place on 4th June this year, I feelthat I can endorse — from a Christian viewpoint — the BNP’s stance onrace, immigration, ethnicity and voluntary repatriation.

Whilst the BNP is a secular and not areligious party, its views generally agree with the Bible’s ownteaching that we are to live as nations, in our nations, and not tosubmit to a “resurrection” of the Babel thesis of one undifferentiatedmass under some form of, probably dictatorial and very unstable, worldgovernance.

The BNP undoubtedly accept that allmankind are equally human and, therefore, equally imperfect; so theworst traits of Darwinism are rejected by the party. 

The BNP would also have no truck withany form of national or racial hegemony of any group over another. Asfar as the BNP is concerned supremacism — whether white, black, ormulti-racial — is out of the question. One of their key principles is,in fact, national independence for all, including our own people. Theywould not, however, see racial differences as superficial, or as simplya matter of physical appearance: rather, every racial or ethnic groupdoes have a collective and distinctive character, which is to be bothvalued and critiqued, making up the rich diversity of humankind.*


*Regardless of the nation or region, ethnic diversity results in NO diversity. Always has, always will. — Ed.
