Baptist Preacher Detained, Beaten, By Immigration Agents
Pastor Steven Anderson (right) “I told them I was a US citizen. I told them I was on a business trip. I told them I had no drugs or humans in the car. That wasn’t […]
The voice of the European American nation
Pastor Steven Anderson (right) “I told them I was a US citizen. I told them I was on a business trip. I told them I had no drugs or humans in the car. That wasn’t […]
Hugo Chavez….walked over to a seated U.S. president and handed him theanti-American tract “Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of thePillage of a Continent.” The book blames Latin America’s failures on white Europeans. by […]
Following the recent public uproar over “right wing extremists” by the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI has suddenly found cause to seek out a high profile yet incompetent animal rights leftist. Don’t buy it.– […]
Under “Cybersecurity,” Congress will be the internet’s greatest threat by Brad O’Leary Gird your blogs, because if liberals in Congress get their way,President Obama will have sole discretionary authority to shut down theInternet or critical […]
With less than six months to go until Norway’s general election,increasing tensions over immigration and Islam appear likely to play asignificant role in the vote. The leader of the country’s main opposition party has warned […]
One of the greatest disappointments expressed by former President George W. Bush was his inability to provide amnesty for tens of millions of illegal aliens. by Chuck Baldwin But as is so often the case, […]
Evangelicals are the biggest promoters/enforcers of Diversity, secondonly to far left wing liberals, because, according to most preachers,Jesus wants us all to be brown. But now that they’ve spent decadespromoting massive immigration, interracial adoption and […]
Demographics is Destiny. Race is not a social construct. Society is a racial construct. Thethird world is the third world because of the people who inhabit it.Bring them into The West and they simply reproduce […]
The Supreme Court has an opportunity to reaffirm or reshape thenation’s civil rights laws as it faces a rare confluence of cases overthe next two weeks, including a high-profile challenge brought by whitefirefighters who claim […]
Like Italy Japan sets the (gold) standard for cultural, national common sense. When union leader Francisco Freitas has something to say, Japan’sBrazilian community listens. The 49-year old director of the JapanMetal and Information Machinery Workers […]