With your participation there can be and must be a breed of politicians who reject the idea that everything has a transitory character, including our people.
By Frank Roman
What more proof do we need to demonstrate the complete lack of usefulness of yesterday�s and today�s neoconservatives than by illustrating the identical Marxist conditions we fought wars to prevent from happening to our people on American soil; conditions under which our people are now coerced into accepting? If you have been paying attention for any length of time you know what I�m talking about. There is the abolition of private property and a confiscatory heavily progressive income tax. The abolition of most rights of inheritance. We have an unconstitutional central bank wielding power that it was never meant to acquire. There is government control of communications & transportation; government ownership of factories and agriculture and government control of labor. There are government controlled corporate farms that have all but wiped out family farms, and regional planning which has replaced neighborhood and individual enterprise; government control of education which dictates under threat of law state mandated racial and cultural sameness.
Allof these things and more were supposed to have never happened to ourpeople, but they have. Neoconservative Republicans who tout their loveof nation and constitution have been utterly ineffective at preventingthis woeful situation. In fact they have helped facilitate it. Blood and soil have been replaced by money and power. That�s why I haveto laugh out loud as a high profile group of so-called conservativesrecently launched a �listening tour� in a bid to boost the GOP’ssagging image and regroup for future elections. It�s almost likethey�re saying: �Okay, we�ve learned our lesson. What you the voterssay, goes. We�ll do better next time, we promise.�
Well, if it�s listening and taking suggestions which they�ve allegedlyembarked upon, a loud voice would be especially helpful for them tohear. Right now, that one voice seems to be Pat Buchanan and it wouldbe a good place for these insolent neocons to start their magicallistening tour. No I�m not saying Mr. Buchanan has all the answers forthese nitwits, but it is a good place to start. Recently, Mr. Buchanan decried the recent slap down of Frank Ricci, afireman in New Haven, Conn, who took a test for lieutenant, passed thetest, but was denied his promotion by the city because not enoughblacks had done as well on the test as Mr. Ricci and other whitefirefighters. In other words firefighter Frank Ricci and others wereblatantly denied their rightful advancement not only because they�rewhite but because the city of New Haven knew damn good and well theblack firefighters would sue the hell out of them. In fact you canpretty much be sure the International Association of Black ProfessionalFire Fighters and the Black Chief Officers Committee would have been atthe vanguard on behalf of their fellow racially mindful black firemenof New Haven. Of course, no corresponding organizations exist for whitefirefighters�at least not yet if we have anything to do with it.
Look, before I extrapolate further on the GOP�s (and Mr. Buchanan�s comments) magical listening tour let me say this.
If you ask me, one of the main reasons the city of New haven threw outthe test results is because the ADL has a very strong presence there(link). The dopes on the city council don�t want to offend them, lestthe ADL is forced to �express their concerns� by dragging them to courtunder a white hot national spotlight. Moreover the ADL just filed anAmicus Brief in this case which said in part: �Discrimination from oursociety is best achieved through strict assurance of equal treatment toall and by ensuring that each person in our country has aconstitutional right to be treated as an individual, rather than assimply part of a racial, ethnic, religious, or gender-defined group.� (I wonder if that standard will apply to Jewish Americans?)
Well, isn�t that remarkable. Now, after decades of promoting and guilttripping the United States into achieving a non-white majority in orderto diffuse the influence of white Americans, the ADL says we have to bemindful of �equal treatment� in terms of race in New Haven. That leadsme to believe the European American firefighters (and the one Latino inthe group) who filed this lawsuit caught everyone with their pantsdown. The city and most especially their bosses in the ADL probablyexpected the firemen to just lie down, roll over, allow their belliesto be scratched, and accept the results without question. So now theADL has to save face by squawking about �equality� as if they areactually defending the white firefighters. Sure, when pigs fly.Additionally in years past court-ordered �consent decrees� were shoveddown the throats of major cities, forcing fire departments to acceptnon-white firefighters in order to be �fair� regardless of theirqualifications. However, and this is key, the agreed upon expiration ofmany consent decrees in recent years has contributed to a drop in thenumber of black firefighters in the United States by almost half. Well,I wonder why.
You see the New Haven politicians really don�t want to ignore race in a�color blind society.� They don�t want to let the cards fall where theymay in terms of white versus non-white qualifications because they knowthe controlled media and the ADL will never let it stand. The sweepingscope of the Ricci suit aims to ban any consideration of race by city,state or federal governments in hiring; which is to say promotionsmight reveal the inherent natural differences among races. Yes, itreally is that simple. Like most drone-like voters the politicians ofNew Haven also know the controlled media has the capacity to destroythem, like it did to the opposition during this past presidentialelection with its flatly anti white, venomous defense of Barack Obama.
Alright, back to Mr. Buchanan�s remarks and the GOP�s magical listening tour.
Pat Buchanan said the republicans need to become the party of FrankRicci. Okay, I�m good with that idea. On its face it implies that thefake conservatives who are embarked on their nod-and-grin vacationwould do well to explicitly represent the interest of EuropeanAmericans. But I think Pat is talking about affirmative action� �whichhas become a mighty engine of state injustice that seeks to remedy theconsequences of past racial sins and crimes, by committing new ones?�Of course, Pat�s books all justifiably � and accurately– deal with thediminishing state of the white West so he very well could mean exactlythat: the interests and preservation of European Americans ought to bethe focal point of the listening tour. After all, Jewish people havethe ADL. Blacks, in this case, have the International Association ofBlack Professional Fire Fighters, and so on. Indeed if a cohesive nononsense portion of the GOP would simply stand up to the media andother domestic enemies and simply become a party that will adamantlydefend and protect the interests and longevity of European Americans,there are more than enough citizens out here with the resource and the willto help them�at any cost.
But if all the Republicans have to offer is more leftist excrement suchas Michael Steele’s positions on NAFTA, GATT, gun control, AffirmativeAction and other issues, forget about it. As opposed to today, the corephilosophy that guided Republicans, (white Republicans), and even manyDemocrats for generations was NOT political expediency like simplywinning elections. They used to understand that there were rights andwrongs; implicitly and even explicitly supporting the European-Americanfabric of the United States, at least until the rot set in after WorldWar Two. Buchanan is hinting that there can be and must be a breed ofpoliticians who reject the transitory character of everything includingour people. He also said demography is destiny, which means the soul ofa race cannot exist without the blood of a race. So unless theirfundamental starting point resides in the founding race of this nation,they are no different than the babbling leftists they claim to oppose.
Because logical reality tends to break away from anticipatedreality–especially in the age of mass media�with your help it is myfirm belief, sooner than later a new party will emerge from theRepublican neoconservative cabal, complete with all of the assets andpersonnel we will need to take back what rightfully belongs to theFrank Ricci�s of the world.