The Political Cesspool Radio Program was mentioned in one of the top stories of the Sunday edition of the London Times…quite possibly the most read newspaper in the world.
We were mentioned on the first page of this feature, alongside such names as Howard Stern, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, and Glenn Beck.
This plug comes on the heels of being mentioned in Newsweek Magazine earlier this month and is in addition to the interest we have received from the New York Times, CNN, and Fox News over the years. To be on the radar of these entities serves as further proof that our show has the kind of name recognition and credibility that only comes from standing the test of time with professionalism and consistency.It goes without saying that without the help and support of those in our listening audience our ascent to this level of prominence would never have been, so for that you continue to have my utmost appreciation and respect.
It is important to be reminded that we remain on the front lines here in Memphis, producing and hosting a syndicated program each week that reaches a great number of listeners across the world while commanding the near constant attention of our enemies within the establishment press.
P.S. – Please help keep our show alive and growing by making a today!