Actions You Can Take To Stop Mass Immigration

The United States faces its greatest challenge in the 21st century that will preserve it or destroy any semblance of what our founding fathers envisioned.

If current congressionally mandated immigration rates, both legal and illegal, continue at 2.4 to 2.8 million annually, the United States will accumulate 70 million added immigrants to this nation by 2035, or 26 years from now. They will arrive from Mexico, Central and South America, Africa, China, India, Indonesia and everywhere from third world countries where poverty, illiteracy and disease run rampant across the planet.

Every 30 days, 200,000 immigrants fill two Pasadena Rose Bowl football stadiums which then get deposited into our society. That happens month in and month out, year in and year out, decade in and decade out. They added 100 million to this country in the past 40 years and we expect another 100 million in 26 years.

Congress at this moment works toward “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” which represents a code word for mass amnesty for 20 to 30 million criminal aliens, continued family reunification via chain migration plus anchor babies and, as Obama voted in June 2007, DOUBLING of legal immigration from 1.2 million annually to 2.4 million annually.

Those immigrants will profoundly change the culture, language and quality of life for every American. Their numbers will profoundly change America into a polyglot nation with no identity, language or culture.

Especially, Mexicans will out-populate Americans, both black and white, in the Southwest, thus, by defacto numbers, will re-take what they lost in the Treaty of Hidalgo in 1848. Mexicans expect to become the dominate majority within the U.S. by 2042 at 53 percent. (Source: PEW Report, March 2007)

