Craigslist Prostitutes and the Crisis of Our Times, Part 4 of 4


This, dear friends, is what you get when you remove the traditional scaffolding that supported social monogamy among our Folk. We have both monogamous and polygamous tendencies; and the prevalence of one over the other is a function of environment, education, popular cultural values, social incentives and social disincentives.

Our traditional marriage structure was NOT for the benefit of either men OR women as a gender; but rather for the benefit of the most precious of our Folk, our children.

We now live in a world in which the enemies of our People – perhaps the enemies of ALL people — have successfully removed practically every barrier to de-facto polygamy with the exception of the handful of laws prohibiting its legal recognition. Such laws are likely to be repealed if things don’t change. And even with existing laws, a great deal of polygamy is going on in so-called polyamorous unions and high-end prostitution. Polyamorous unions are a form of group marriage undertaken under a private agreement, as such so-called marriages are not recognized by the state. Somewhere between fifteen and twenty-eight percent of marriages include polyamory.(55) And we have already discussed the prevalence of prostitution.

Monogamy, as our people have understood it for thousands of years, in which a man and woman mate for life, is teetering on its last legs and is on life support. The closest many of us get to monogamy anymore is so-called “serial monogamy” where our people flit from mate to mate to mate. But serial monogamy and monogamy are not the same thing. There is a very practical difference because males will not willingly commit their resources to a woman they believe will use those resources to raise someone else’s child in the future.(56) As a result, serial monogamy in and of itself contributes heavily to male anti-commitment mindsets. When you combine serial monogamy with our radical-feminist-inspired marriage laws and the lack of even a close approximation of an equal partnership in marriage; you have a recipe for men being unwilling to commit to marriage in the first place, and for those involved in marriages already to seek solace outside their marriages rather than confront their wives.

Birth control pills have screwed up the basic mating instincts of millions of our women; leading to both infidelity and divorce. Combined with incentives that cater to female hypergamy and actively attempt to accentuate a drive that would ordinarily be more dormant; our sexes have become each other’s worst enemies far too often when we should be each other’s best friends.

Our condition lays the groundwork for the production of even more prostitutes: lack of a father in the home, materialistic world views and the legions of feminist professors we actually pay to twist the minds of our daughters. Today’s prostitutes are so brazen in plying their trade that they even put up their own websites listing their rates for various services. There are tens of thousands of these sites put up by European-American women selling sex for big money.

Fully one-third of all the visits our women are making to doctors are to receive “happy pills” that are so effective at destroying their sexual instincts that those same drugs are prescribed to pedophiles for the specific purpose of destroying sex drive. Combined with the horrendous state of the the practice of clinical psychology in this country and the ridiculously unequal partnership of modern day marriage; the field is set to make it easier for a man to deal with a prostitute than it would be to help his wife.

In short, what Craig’s List and the trails I followed from it revealed to me is a very bleak future for our people.

Combined with the endless sewer pipe of illegal immigration spewing primitives across our border; our current situation with marriage and prostitution has moved us closer to genocide than you think.

You know, our people didn’t have no-fault divorce EVER in their history. It was a communist invention introduced into Russia and then picked up and spread by feminist activists in this country.(57)

When it comes to something as delicate and complex as human reproduction and the social systems surrounding it; you have to be very careful or you will end up with very dangerous results. Just as birth control pills gave us women mating with the wrong men and subsequent cheating and divorce; no-fault divorce gave us a revolution in family destruction from which we will be hard-pressed to recover and survive. And the chief thing it gave us, albeit indirectly, is the Craig’s List prostitute.


So, where do we go from here?

Let me give you the good news. 50% of marriages among our Folk do NOT end in divorce. There are many good men among our Folk, and many good women among our Folk. And good people, by their nature, need not rely on a twisted social infrastructure given life in our legal system. Likewise, good men and good women are characterized by their desire and ability to ignore the Sirens’ Song of various implicit desires, and discipline themselves to the higher ethical standards that can make us more than merely beasts of the field and self-evolve into the Supermen and Superwomen we can be. With such people, it is still quite possible to build marriages built upon honor and mutual respect independent of what is going on in the broader society. And many people do precisely that.

I’ve given you a lot of gloom and doom today; but the clouds overhead have a silver lining.

Nothing I have given you is a foregone conclusion; and none of the traits I have described for men or women are absolutes. Not only do the tendencies exist on a continuum; but those tendencies can be modified in terms of their expression through social systems, beliefs and expectations.

Likewise, the women I interviewed for this podcast were not born to be prostitutes and are not necessarily horrible people. They became prostitutes as a result of a combination of environment and social conditioning. The customers of the prostitutes aren’t horrible people either. They simply do not have the tools to cope with their environment effectively and have made some bad decisions.

So just as I usually do, rather than leave you on a bleak note, I am going to give you solutions: solutions that can be applied at the political level, and solutions that can be applied in your personal life.

The largest issue that needs to be addressed is the prevalence of European-American children growing up in homes with their biological father absent. This is a common theme among prostitutes, and is also a big problem for our people in many other arenas.

At the political level, as I described in my previous podcast, we need to work to diminish the inequities inherent in modern divorce laws. Chief among these is the abolition of no-fault divorce; but absent that, advocacy of joint-parenting and the abolition of child support under joint-parenting relationships. This will substantially reduce the current built-in incentives for divorce.

Doctor Stephen Baskerville has put forth an even better solution: “It is reasonable to presume that “the best interests of the child” will be better served by remaining with the parent who does not abandon commitments for frivolous reasons and wants to maintain the family.  The spouse/parent who still wishes to leave may, of course, do so—with his or her clothes and any other personal belongings.  The more dedicated, responsible party should keep the children, home, property and claim on future child support.”(58) This would reduce divorces in this country by as much as 80% practically overnight. I’ve Dr. Baskerville’s article, and commend it for your further study on the legal reforms needed to rebuild our families.

There are a number of things we need to do at a personal level.

The first, whether we like it or not, is to ditch hormonal birth control as it currently exists. Hormonal birth control generally works by hijacking a woman’s reproductive machinery, and adversely affects her mate choice leading to higher rates of infidelity and divorce. Given these facts as we now know them, birth control pills make absolutely no sense for a woman who ever plans to marry and raise kids. Maybe they are a great idea for career prostitutes, but for real women, they should be considered carefully. Please understand, that I am not adversely judging women who have used birth control pills in the past. Even today, I am pretty certain doctors don’t tell women about the possible adverse effects of birth control pills on mate choice. I am certain that most women, knowing that side-effect, would opt for other means of birth control.

Ladies need to look at alternatives that don’t mess with their hormones. The modern copper IUD, the T380A, is just one example that is safe and every bit as effective as the birth control pill; but doesn’t adversely affect a woman’s mate choice.(59) There are also natural methods such as basal thermometer and mucus examination that are not quite as effective as the pill, but are far more effective than the old-style rhythm method. Please understand I’m not advocating a particular alternative to birth control pills — that’s a conversation that needs to take place between a woman and her doctor.

Men need to be wary of this as well. If you get engaged to a woman who is using hormonal birth control; you could find yourself persona non grata in short order when she discontinues using the pill, usually after the first child is born or in her early to mid 30’s. You are setting yourself up for heartache; so you need to act prudently. This will not always be a problem, but it *could* be a problem, so you need to be aware of it and enter into some frank discussions with your betrothed. I would recommend negotiating a six-month withdrawal from hormonal birth control before the marriage; just to make sure.

Getting a handle on hormonal birth control will eliminate an environmental cause of divorce among our folk. I can’t quantify how much divorce it will eliminate, but according to what studies exist, it would be a lot. And every divorce that is prevented is another little girl who doesn’t have to grow up without her daddy, and is less likely to ever become a prostitute.

The second thing we need to get a handle on is ridiculous levels of anti-depressant use among our Folk generally. Anti-depressant use simply masks underlying problems and leads to widespread sexual dysfunction. Leaving a spouse essentially chaste for weeks on end, months or even years is NOT a recipe for fidelity; and fidelity is an absolute cornerstone of marriage. The primary consumers of prostitution, according to interviews with prostitutes and their clients, are married men whose wives have lost all interest in sex.

Many times these men go years without sex before turning elsewhere, but many WILL turn elsewhere eventually. The impulses toward monogamy and polygamy exist in a sort of dynamic tension, and enforcing chastity on many men for an extended length of time will result in infidelity. So ladies who are dependent on anti-depressants to get through the day need to seriously consider addressing the underlying causation of the depression. Fully one-third of the visits our women make to doctors are for pills that will leave 60% of them sexually dysfunctional. I’m not a doctor, and I’m sure some small percentage of our folk really need to be on these drugs; but I also believe they are over-prescribed as a panacea.

Skipping the anti-depressants when possible and solving the underlying issues instead will reduce the number of men cheating on their wives. This will help to dry up the demand for prostitution, thus forcing some women to choose another profession.

The third thing we need to do is end the marriage strike.

As many as half of our single men between the ages of 24 and 35 essentially have no intention of ever marrying and, quite frankly, we cannot afford to let this individually prudent but racially destructive behavior continue.

As I described earlier, there are many reasons for this. Some of it is just the form of “extended adolescence” that men experience who were raised in homes without fathers. Some of it is the result of popular media emphasizing and glorifying hedonistic polygamic tendencies that already exist in order to accentuate them. But a great deal of this is a marriage strike resulting from implicitly absorbing the lessons of men all around them who have been subjected to grave injustices in the family court system such that their instinct for self-preservation overrides their instinct for procreation.

Most people realize and few dispute that men have a polygamic drive. But men and women alike need to drop the romantic notions of innate female monogamy and realize that while women may cheat for different reasons than men; their innate drives make them just as likely to cheat overall and as much as 900% more likely to initiate a divorce. We cannot stick our heads in the sand about this. These impulses, when not placed under the rational control of those that experience them, and when not bound by strong legal and social controls, are wreaking havoc with marriage and leading to a massive marriage strike.

Let me put this message out to single white men as clearly as I can. The white female is the most beautiful and most desired creature on the planet. Every culture, ranging from Japan and China to Africa to the trade in sex slaves in the Middle East, values white women above all others. The United States essentially has wide open borders, and China has an excess of males — many of whom are coming here to work in good jobs at high wages. Your marriage strike, whether implicit or explicit, WILL NOT WORK, because if YOU do not make yourself available as a mate for our women, I guarantee you that someone else WILL. The mating instinct is too strong; and most of our women won’t even register the need to change marriage laws in order to end the strike. They’ll just marry a nice Chinese engineer, Mexican lawyer or an African professor and THEN where will you be? Many will become prostitutes because your strike has limited their mating options.

There are some exceptions, but men cannot rely on women, as a group, to insist on fair laws that would end the marriage strike. We have had forty years of rampant divorce, children separated from their fathers, a multi-billion dollar divorce industry and so forth; and so far NO major women’s advocacy group has stepped up to the plate. And they WON’T step up to the plate. This is a place where men need to take the proverbial “bull by the horns” and move forward.

In the past, there have been social and legal tools to deal with this, but there are none officially recognized today. HOWEVER, there now exists a very simple contract that is nothing more than a very clear statement of traditional marriage vows that is signed at the time of marriage; and this contract effectively ends both the existence of no-fault divorce for that couple AND assures the continued equal involvement of both parents in the life of any children if a divorce occurs on fault grounds.

You heard me correctly. If bride and groom, at the time of the marriage, simply sign a written copy of their marriage vows and have it witnessed by the minister; it becomes a legally binding contract that cannot be overridden by no-fault divorce laws. Contracts routinely limit the access of their parties to various otherwise-available legal remedies; and according to Constitutional Law Professor Stephen Safranek, the U.S. Constitution prohibits impairing the law of contracts. To find out more about the details of the marriage contract, called True Marriage you can visit

Rather than being part of a marriage strike that is limiting our reproductive capacity; removing beautiful women from our gene pool and playing into the hands of our enemies; you should instead be on strike against unsuitable women. And a very easy screening for who would or wouldn’t be a suitable wife is the woman’s willingness to sign a True Marriage styled agreement. Any woman worth marrying would happily sign a written copy of the vows she has just spoken orally. This will help your marriage be one of the 50% that don’t end in divorce. It’s as simple as pie: No True Marriage means no marriage at all. Stick to your guns and hold out for a REAL woman, a woman who actually intends to keep the promises she makes, and you won’t be sorry. If European-American men stand strong on this, we can end the scourge of rampant divorce within a decade; and end the marriage strike.

By ending the marriage strike, we reduce the number of European-American children born out of wedlock and therefore dry up the supply of prostitutes. By getting our young men married to beautiful young women, we dry up even more of the demand for prostitutes as well.

Fourth, we need to inspire married men to greater fidelity. The majority of the men using the services of high-priced prostitutes are MARRIED. As I described earlier, I can understand the reasons why prostitutes can be an attractive alternative to dealing with a spouse when the legal power differential is so skewed. But slinking off to see a whore and then slinking back is no solution. It diminishes your moral standing and makes you less than you would otherwise be.

Let me make myself clear. The measure of a man, the TRUE measure of a man, the measure that has served our Folk well for millenia … is NOT his penis, not his car, not his house and not his bank account. The true measure of the European-American man is his commitment to his children, his wife, his family and his people. Infidelity is about as far from commitment as a man can get. As a man, you should not tolerate this in yourself and should apply your Will to manifest a higher self. As I have said before and I will say again: “What you are, and ALL that you are, is your DEEDS.”

All it would take to put these escorts out of business would be for married men to keep their marriage vows regarding infidelity. Just that ONE THING would force these prostitutes back into regular work.

Fifth, we need our men, both married and single, endeavoring to become the best men they can be. Being a better man gives you better access to the best women, and reduces the risks of infidelity and divorce that come with female hypergamy.

High-status, in our current society, is mis-defined by wealth — no matter how it is acquired. There is no difference in the high status gained by off-shoring a company, or an invention that saves thousands of lives. The attractiveness of high material status is a foreign value, imposed upon us through cultural hijacking. And many women — and men — buy into this idea, unfortunately. This leads to men trying to find women by using conspicuous consumption as an attractant, and to women seeking such men. The result is disastrous.

However, there are other, more fundamental, more uniquely European, traits that European women use as differentiators of high quality men.

Chief among these is a highly developed sense of responsibility. This single trait, when highly developed, carries with it a host of other positive traits including perseverance, honesty, self-evolution, fairness, achievement and more. Self-evolution — the desire and drive to move oneself forward, is another major differentiator. Women love a man who will develop his full potential. Not only does such a man bring out the best in himself, but also in all those around him.

In other words, the single most important thing that distinguishes a man of high quality is his character. The character will manifest in behaviors and circumstances that will make such a man more attractive than others to the best of women, and assist in retaining such women.

Everything else is commentary.

If you take a look at the EAU Statement of Ethics, it is a road map to the development of sound character. By conscientiously acting on this statement of ethics, a man will internalize the values and make them part of himself — thus setting himself head and shoulders above ordinary men in the eyes of the sorts of women who matter.

I spoke with a number of women — three married, and three unmarried. These are women of the highest quality who I have known for years. I asked these women about the skills and traits that a man can develop that will make him, in their eyes, a desirable man without regard to his paycheck. Obviously, there was some variance due to personal preferences. So in some respects, these details may be irrelevant. But the IDEA represented by these details is important because this all flows from character. In essence, for every skill, trait or behavior listed, it all comes down to demonstrating a positive aspect of a man’s character.

Desired skills included proficiency in a martial art, first aid, CPR, handyman skills, gardening and even the use of firearms. These all come down to a man’s sense of responsibility for the well-being of those around him. They also demonstrate perseverance and determination while being open to learn. Even though these are the skills the women listed, other skills demonstrating the same character traits would be just as valued.

These women were not terribly concerned about things like specific occupation. But what they DID care about is that a man takes pride in his work, continues to advance himself, AND demonstrates solid character in terms of honesty, self-discipline, avoidance of consumer debt, responsibility and loyalty.

Generally, the ladies I spoke with appreciated a men who could make them feel safe, and treat them with caring and respect without being a marshmallow.  They also appreciated men taking care of themselves by eating a sensible diet, getting adequate exercise, and avoiding self-destructive behaviors. But, once again, this is all just a manifestation of a highly developed sense of responsibility.

One thing that came up unanimously among the married women is their need to feel that they are respected as full human beings, consulted on important matters, prioritized in terms of where their men spend their time, and made to feel beautiful, desired and appreciated in various ways. The married women with whom I spoke said it was important that their husband indicate sexual interest in them *frequently*. Again, any responsible man would behave this way anyway.

Another attribute which is crucial, but hard to define, is leadership. Leadership doesn’t mean being a jerk and doing whatever you please, no matter what a woman may think; but it also doesn’t mean being a spineless wimp who says “whatever you say, dear.” Leadership, within this context, refers to the ability to confidently guide while still accepting important input. This also includes the ability to undertake tasks whose success may be uncertain while learning from failures and building on those successes. Again, just another aspect of responsibility.

Finally, as mundane as this may sound, it is incredibly important for men to pitch in around the house. If the only thing you contribute to the household is your paycheck, then that is ultimately how you will be seen — and you will be easily replaced. Most women today work full-time jobs too; and if there is one thing that will take all the joy out of a woman in a hurry, it’s having to undertake a full-time job at home too while her husband kicks back and relaxes or works on his hobbies. Ladies appreciate a man whose skills not only include cooking, but taking care of the dishes afterwards.  Again, this comes down to being responsible.

Added together, if you are single, these factors will give you a sort of quiet self-assurance and the ability to be secure with a sense of humor about yourself that doesn’t require ego stroking or adolescent posturing. Ladies — at least good ones — will love you. AND — you will have no difficulty finding the kind of woman who will have no problem with affixing her signature to a written copy of your marriage vows, or keeping those vows. If you are married, these will effectively address female hypergamy in most cases.

Sixth, we need to educate women about how to work with men in controlling men’s polygamous sex drive. So ladies, listen up. Most men want to be faithful to their wives; but recent studies indicate that 68% of both men AND women, by the time they reach age 45, have been unfaithful at least once. We have addressed what men need to do to reduce this risk in women; but we also have to address what women need to do to reduce this risk in men. Keeping men from straying will, again, put these high-priced prostitutes out of business.

Men cheat for many of the same reasons that women cheat; with sexual urgency adding an additional dimension. Sex educator Lora Somoza, speaking of men, says: “They are looking for that affection. They believe they are under appreciated and want to recapture that feeling of being attractive to someone, to be sexy, TO FEEL DESIRED. They want to feel excitement again, feel adventurous, even a little naughty, alive, like they matter to someone. But more importantly, They’re looking for an ego boost . And who better than some new pair of eyes looking at them like they hung the moon, instead of the woman at home who’s been in the bathroom five seconds after he’s dropped a bomb?”(61)

She offers some very valuable tips that are worthwhile:

-> Limit the length of conversations delving into nitty-gritty details of work, home finances, and tasks that you want him to perform. While this sort of conversation is important, it isn’t conducive to romance. This shouldn’t be the first conversation your husband has upon awakening or the last one before going to bed. You need to add romantic, flirtatious and sexy conversation to your repertoire. You need to make sure, through your words, kisses, flirtation and lingering looks, that your husband knows he is appreciated and desired every day.

-> Enhance your sex life. This can take many forms ranging from going through a new position every week from The Joy of Sex through the Kama Sutra or even making a weekly date where no kids or talk about bills is allowed. Tease him in the morning so he’s rushing home to see what you have planned that evening.

To the above, let me explain something to the ladies about the male sex drive. Men who are of middle age or younger, and in reasonable physical condition, can have sex daily. Most would prefer sex every other day — 3 or 4 times a week. If a man goes more than five days without an orgasm, he’ll hardly be able to think about anything but sex.

What this tells you is that the longer your husband goes without sex, the more vulnerable he will be to straying. That is not to say that unless you have sex with your husband at least once every 5 days he will necessarily cheat. Some men, no matter what, will never cheat. But 68% will by age 45, so the odds are against you unless you stack the deck in your favor. And the best way to stack the deck in your favor is to cultivate an active and healthy sex life.

No woman in her right mind should expect that her husband will be faithful if she is only being intimate with him once every two months or makes him go even longer. That’s just asking for trouble. Now, maybe he will remain faithful. But the longer he goes without sex, the more urgent his need will become; not just physically, but psychologically. That lack of sex is a rejection, and just like anyone else he has a psychological need for acceptance. Realize that when he promised to be monogamous, that was with the understanding that he wasn’t taking a vow of chastity. If he had wanted to be chaste, he would have signed up for the priesthood. So unless you are incapacitated, if you are making your man go that long without sex, you have already broken your end of the marriage agreement so don’t be shocked if he breaks his.

Very few ordinary men who have an active and healthy sex life with their wives ever stray. I realize this is easier said than done; but consider the fact that sex usually takes no more than 30 minutes. Is an hour and a half a week THAT unreasonable considering the benefits that would accrue?

One other piece of information: the time when a man is most at risk for cheating is when his wife is pregnant or a first child is born.

I know this sounds counterintuitive, but the statistics bear me out.

A man’s need for acceptance, appreciation, romance and sex doesn’t go away just because a woman is pregnant or nursing a baby. During this exact same time, quite understandably, his wife is focused more on her immediate needs and those of either the newly born or soon-to-be born baby. The trouble is, during this time the wife often has long lists of tasks for the man, long lists of financial concerns for the man, and a very small amount of affirming attention to give the man.

Some women mistakenly interpret this as the husband being jealous of the baby, but that is incorrect. The issue here is that a married man relies most heavily on his wife for crucial psychological needs. When she isn’t meeting those needs it can cause him to become depressed, resentful, and unhappy. An affair, or even seeing a high-priced prostitute, can reverse these symptoms, thereby making him MORE productive for his wife than he would otherwise be.

This is a delicate thing; but just because a baby is being born doesn’t mean the husband can now be seen as nothing more than a servant for that baby — a servant whose efforts are directed by the wife, of course. In spite of how absolutely exhausted a young mother is with late night feedings and the like; or how uncomfortable she may be while 7-months pregnant, or how un-sexy she may feel at 8 months pregnant; it is important to make time to provide for the husband’s psychological needs. While failure to do so doesn’t *always* result in an affair, why risk it?

And high-end prostitutes are much easier for a man to conceal than an affair. He can slip off for a visit during his lunch hour. There won’t be any calls on his cell phone, no tell-tale charges at restaurants, no hang-up calls, no lipstick on the collar, no emails, no perfume, no friends who saw him out on the town and tip you off or any of the rest. High-end prostitutes provide showers for their clients, you know. Affairs involve emotion and most wives can pick up on them instantly just from the expression on a husband’s face. But prostitution dispenses with that, so the tell-tale emotional signs — if they exist at all — will be much more subtle. A woman who is paying her husband little attention won’t even catch them.

Remember, the two biggest keys to shutting down prostitution lie in avoiding male infidelity and avoiding raising girls in homes without their biological fathers.

Seventh, we need to educate men about the dangers of sex with prostitutes.

Gentlemen, I want you to think long and hard about STDs — sexually transmitted diseases.

The typical high-priced escort sees around 200 men a year, some of them multiple times. Some more, some less. Some see nearly 900 a year. And most of these clients have seen other prostitutes as well. The math looks pretty bad.

I don’t care if a prostitute gets checked out by a doctor once every three months; because in the three months after an exam, she has been with dozens if not hundreds of men. Since 1 out of every 4 people has an STD — the odds that the woman has an STD are NOT in your favor. I don’t care if she looks like Helen of Troy, acts like a countess, smells like cherries and farts rose petals: she likely has a disease. Your odds of picking up genital herpes — which can be transmitted ORALLY and is not completely eradicated by condoms — are pretty good. Your odds of becoming a carrier for HPV, a virus that gives women cervical cancer, are incredibly high. And when French-kissing a woman who has French-kissed 3,000 men and performed oral sex with half as many over the past 3 or 4 years; you can pick up everything from genital herpes in your mouth to mononucleosis to exotic tropical diseases. And that is just from KISSING a prostitute, never mind giving or receiving oral sex or any number of other activities.

Admittedly, promiscuity is much encouraged among the general population to start with.(62) In Massachusetts, 1 out of 4 adults has genital herpes, 70% carry HPV, and 25% carry some other disease.(63) So your odds of contracting a disease with just an ordinary girl are pretty high. So just IMAGINE what the odds are with a prostitute who has sex with as many as 5 guys a day. Even a condom won’t protect you from all the diseases. Just kissing a prostitute could give you a disease you’d rather not spread to other women you may care about. Most recently, we’re discovering that bacteria that can be spread by kissing may account for heart disease. Seriously — I’m not kidding.(64) Moreover, when diseases of this sort exist in a high-promiscuity environment, they tend to be much more virulent than those same diseases acquired from a low-promiscuity environment.(65)

When I asked these prostitutes about disease, they all stated that they were disease-free. As sex is their profession, they are likely far better educated than the general public. As many diseases correlate to poverty, and impoverished people can’t afford high-priced call girls; their risk of exposure would be lower on a per-act basis. However, taken over time, the risks add up. Remember, these prostitutes are in a business, and they are selling sex. But they are also in a highly ILLEGAL business; and just as drug dealers may lie about the content and purity of the dope they push, you can reasonably expect prostitutes to be less than forthcoming about disease.

These women are highly intelligent actresses with a very firm grasp of male psychology — so they will absolutely be able to lie to you in a fashion you will NOT detect. Putting yourself in their company is highly unwise. Sometimes, men are easily influenced by pretty women. And when they are, it can come back to haunt them. You have been warned; so don’t blame me when you have to explain to your wife how you got genital herpes on your nose or gave her HPV so she is dying from cervical cancer.

Eighth, we need to abolish television from our homes.

Television contributes to the prostitution problem in three ways. First, by contributing to the break-up of families through creation of false expectations; second, by reducing the availability of social capital within the family and third by inculcating a consumerist mindset.

Remember that I pointed out earlier that one of the four factors contributing to a woman deciding to make a career out of prostitution is a certain consumerism. While parental attitudes toward these things matter, the television has a major affect on both children AND parents. Researchers at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital and the School of Medicine have discovered that: “… increasing amounts of screen time for children could foster a rise in … consumerism that will reverberate for decades.”

And, for parents, television bombards them with the constant message that their social standing and belonging are intimately tied to what they consume. As Juliet Schor has pointed out: “Because television shows are so heavily skewed to the “lifestyles of the rich and upper middle class,” they inflate the viewer’s perceptions of what others have, and by extension what is worth acquiring-what one must have in order to avoid being “out of it.””(66) This results in useless spending, consumer debt, marital unhappiness and divorce.

In addition, every family has a certain amount of what could be called “social capital.” This is the time, effort and attention that family members devote to each other or to projects benefiting the family as a whole. The contribution of social capital creates strong and resilient families. But time spent in front of the idiot box takes away from this, thereby leaving families more vulnerable.

Most importantly, the content of television — even if one is aware of it — is calculated with the explicit purpose of inspiring women to divorce their husbands. While it won’t affect every viewer the same way, it has an adverse overall effect.

The Inter-American Development Bank performed a study to see the linkage between television viewing and divorce and discovered that: “… exposure to new role models [through television may challenge traditional notions of family to the point of inducing marital dissolution.” Furthermore, the study authors concluded that: “Our analysis draws on the experience of a country where television viewing, and in particular soap opera viewing, is extremely widespread and cuts across social classes. We find that exposure to modern lifestyles as portrayed on TV, to emancipated women’s roles and to a critique of traditional values was associated with increases in the share of separated and divorced women …”(67)

Keep in mind that most prostitutes grow up in homes without their biological father present; so anything that increases divorce rates will also increase the risk of a future career choice of prostitution. Further, television inculcates materialistic and consumerist mindsets from an early age; further predisposing such a choice.

The bottom line is that if you love your children and you love your family, you will ditch television — pure and simple.

In previous podcasts, I have given you other reasons why you should ditch the tube, including linkage between screen time and Attention Deficit Disorder, obesity in children and more. If, after this podcast, you are still subscribing to cable or satellite television, you aren’t paying attention.

Ninth, we need to keep our kids out of Women’s Studies courses.

In Women’s Studies courses, they don’t refer to whores, prostitutes, escorts or call girls. Instead, they refer to “sex workers.” A casual look at the life history of a good many professors in these fields shows a consistent theme of advocacy for the legalization of prostitution along with attempts to secure special rights for prostitutes and to remove adverse social stigma from the profession.

I’ve already described for you how transformative some of the assigned reading in these courses can be for young women. When it comes to prostitution, the content of these courses — combined with an absent father, consumerist mindset, a society pushing hypergamy and the best men on a marriage strike — these courses provide the final permission, the proverbial “straw that breaks the camel’s back” that catapults our daughters into not merely being whores, but actually being PROUD of that occupation.

You may recall the spectacle back in January of Natalie Dylan, a 22 year old Women’s Studies major who auctioned off her virginity for 3.7 million dollars. She reported that she got the idea from her sister Avia — also a Women’s Studies major — who had paid for her degree by working as a prostitute.

Need I say more? You need to stand strong and refuse to fund any college education for your children that includes a Women’s Studies course.

Tenth, we need to actively inculcate a non-materialistic world-view in our kids.

I already described, above, how important the removal of television is for the achievement of this goal. But nature abhors a vacuum, so it isn’t enough to merely remove the television: you must include something positive and uplifting in its place.

Part of this can be ordinary family life in which time spent cooperatively results in social capital that benefits the family as a whole. Another part can be including books with solid values — like the books in our home school program — in your child’s personal library. Yet another part can be involving children in your own projects oriented toward helping others. A final part, which will vary from family to family, is involvement in religion.

I get a lot of correspondence from various religious factions who like to detract from other religious factions and want me to explicitly advocate religion X and excoriate religion Y. Don’t hold your breath waiting for that. EAU, as an organization, supports involvement in religion generally as a positive antidote to the values put forth in schools and television. So if your family is religious, then there will be a big benefit to encouraging your children to participate in the organized activities of your church or kindred. This will help build a non-materialistic foundation for your children.


As usual, this has been a rather long podcast. It took a long time to research, and a long time to write; but I believe the subject matter is important.

At the heart of our survival as a people is our sexual health as a people. Young men engaged in marriage strikes, wives divorcing their husbands for truly light causes, husbands cheating on their wives and an ever increasing number of our women working as prostitutes … all add up to really bad news for the long term well-being of our people.

I’ve put forth a lot of controversial information today, but I’ve documented my sources in the written version of this podcast. When it comes to a subject as complex as our sexuality, nothing can truly be definitive — so I’m sure there are some places where I have missed a few spots. A podcast can’t go on forever, after all.

But I’m also sure that I have discovered the roots of the larger part of the prostitution problem among our Folk; and that the 10-point-plan that I have presented above, if followed, will solve that problem.

So I have done the research for you. Now YOUR job, is to implement the results for the benefit of our posterity.

This has been John Young with European Americans United. Thank your for joining me again today.


(1) Boston Herald, 4/16/2009, Murder Strikes Fear in Online Escorts
(3) Barbara Defoe Whitehead and David Popenoe, “The Marrying Kind: Which Men Marry and Why,” 2004
(4) McElroy, Wendy (2003), The Marriage Strike,
(5) Devlin, R. (2006) Sexual Utopia in Power, The Occidental Quarterly, Summer 2006
(6) Bereczkei, T.; Voros, S.; Gal, A.; Bernath, L. (1997), “Resources, attractiveness, family commitment; reproductive decisions in human mate choice”, Ethology 103 (8): 681–699
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(8) Gilles Saint-Paul (May 2008), Genes, Legitimacy and Hypergamy: Another Look at the Economics of Marriage, CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP6828, University of Toulouse I – GREMAQ-IDEI; Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
(9) Tamas Bereczkei and Andras Csanaky (1994), Mate choice, marital success, and reproduction in a modern society, Institute of Behavioral Sciences, Medical University of Pécs, Hungary
(10) Devlin, F. (2006) “Sexual Utopia in Power.” The Occidental Quarterly, Summer 2006
(11) Society for Advancement of Education (1999), Father-Daughter Relationship Is Crucial – effect on age when puberty begins,

(12) Ellis, B.J., Bates, J.E., Dodge, K.A., Fergusson, D.M., Horwood, J.L., Pettit, G.S., & Woodward, L. (2003). Does father absence place daughters at special risk for early sexual activity and teenage pregnancy? Child Development, 74, 801-821.
(14) MacDonald, K., What makes Western Culture Unique
(15) MacDonald, K., “White psychology”
(16) Westerhoff, N.(2009) Scientific American Mind, “Why do men buy sex?”
(17) Westerhoff, N.(2009) Scientific American Mind, “Why do men buy sex?”
(18) Barber, Charles (2008), The Medicated Americans: Antidepressant Prescriptions on the Rise, Scientific American, Feb 2008
(19) Epstein, W. (1994) The Illusion of Psychotherapy, pp. 60-61
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(23) Briken, P., Hill, A., Wolfgang, B. (2009) Abnormal Attraction, Scientific American Mind July 7, 2009
(24) Schumann, Gunda (1980), An Der Front Des Patriarchats : Bericht Vom Langen Marsch Durch D. Prostitutionsmilieu
(25) Barbara Defoe Whitehead and David Popenoe, “The Marrying Kind: Which Men Marry and Why,” 2004
(26) Moalem, S. (2009) How Sex Works, Harper Collins, ISBN: 978-0-06-147965-6
(27) Moalem, S. (2009) How Sex Works, Harper Collins, ISBN: 978-0-06-147965-6
(33) MacDonald, K., What makes Western Culture Unique
(34) The Gallic Wars, p. 19
(35) Letourneau, CH. (1904) “The History of Marriage” page 139
(36) Channen, D. (2009) Sunday: Minneapolis cops bust ‘nice guys’ sex ring.
(38) Baker, R. and M. Bellis. 1993 “Human sperm competition: ejaculate adjustment by males and the function of masturbation.” _Animal Behaviour_ 46: 861-65
(41) Baker, R. and M. Bellis. 1993 “Human sperm competition: ejaculate adjustment by males and the function of masturbation.” _Animal Behaviour_ 46: 861-65
(43) MacDonald, K. (2009)
(44) Devlin, F. (2006) “Sexual Utopia in Power.” The Occidental Quarterly, Summer 2006
(49) Devlin, F. (2006) “Sexual Utopia in Power.” The Occidental Quarterly, Summer 2006
(50) Gilles Saint-Paul (May 2008), Genes, Legitimacy and Hypergamy: Another Look at the Economics of Marriage, CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP6828, University of Toulouse I – GREMAQ-IDEI; Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
(51) Devlin, F. (2006) “Sexual Utopia in Power.” The Occidental Quarterly, Summer 2006
(52) K.C. (2000) Where’s Daddy? ISBN: 0-967473659
(53) Sanford Braver, Divorced Dads: Shattering the Myths (New York: Tarcher/Putnam, 1998), chap. 7.
(54) Margaret Brinig and Douglas Allen, “These Boots Are Made for Walking: Why Most Divorce Filers Are Women,” American Economics and Law Review, vol. 2, no. 1 (Spring 2000), 126-127, 129, 158.
(55) What Psychology Professionals Should Know About Polyamory
(56) Walter, C. (2009) Affairs of the Lips, Scientific American Mind, July 7, 2009
(58) Baskerville, S. (2004) Strengthening Marriage through Divorce and Custody Reform
(59) Moalem, S. (2009) How Sex Works, Harper Collins, ISBN: 978-0-06-147965-6
(61) Samoza, Lora (2007), How to Keep your Man from Cheating
(62) See Helen Gurly Brown’s “Sex and the Single Girl” plus any issue of Cosmopolitan magazine.
(63) Statistics from Planned Parenthood
(64) Ewald, Paul (2002), Plague Time: The new Germ Theory of Disease
(65) Ewald, Paul (2002), Plague Time: The new Germ Theory of Disease
(67) Chong, A., Ferrara, E. (2009), Television and Divorce: Evidence from Brazilian Novelas;
