California, Here We Come!

Los Angeles, which is what most large American cities will look like,is the most diverse city on earth. Has diversity been a strength?

In just a few weeks time, California hits the wall.

AndAmericans should take a good, long look at the fiscal and social wreckof the Golden Land, because California is at a place to which all ofAmerica is heading.

In May, when five fund-raising proposals wereput on the ballot, Gov. Schwarzenegger pleaded with the overtaxedCalifornians not to make their state “the poster child for dysfunction.”

As The Economist writes, “On May 18th, they did exactly that.”

Arnold went to the White House for U.S. loan guarantees for new statebonds. But with the president’s approval rating wilting because of abelief he is spending too much, the Obama-ites slammed the door.

Moreover, the demography of California today is the demography ofAmerica tomorrow, just as the social and fiscal policies of Californiain the last decade mirror those of the U.S. government today.

One-thirdof all U.S. wage-earners today have been amnestied from paying U.S.income taxes, as the top 1 percent haul fully 40 percent of that hugeload. So, too, in California, the well-to-do and the wealthy arehammered, which is why many have quietly closed their businesses,packed and gone back over the mountains whence their fathers came.

