Federal Reserve Chairman Issues Threat If Audit Goes Forward

Somebody’s starting to sweat. Keep the pressure on for a FULL Fed audit. — Ed.


“My concern about the legislation is that if the GAO is auditing notonly the operational aspects of our programs and the details of theprograms but is making judgments about our policy decisions, that wouldeffectively be a take over of monetary policy by the congress. Arepudiation of the the independence of the federal reserve, which wouldbe highly destructive to the stability of the financial system, thedollar and uh our national economic situation.”
As if the Federal Reserves actions has nothing to do with influence,cronyism, and outright political manipulation. As if the financialsystem is stable. As if the Federal Reserve had nothing to do with thedestruction that has and is occurring in the financial market. As ifthe value of the dollar has not eroded over 90% since the FederalReserve began operating. As if the dollar is stable based on theactions of the Federal Reserve rather than its status as being theworld reserve currency and as if that status will remain stable inspite of the federal reserves actions. As if our national economicsituation is stable in spite of the impossible to be paid debt of theCentral Government that only the Federal Reserve had the power tocontrol through money rate manipulation.

This miniature dictator admits no wrong doing and is willing to cover up any evidencethat might show that the Federal Reserve has been the source of ALL thecountry’s financial problems. He is protecting the institution that hasserved him, his family, and friends so well. Fortunately, thanks to the Ron Paul Revolution, which started this whole Audit the Fed movement in the first place, more and more people are seeingthrough the LIES; realizing that the only way out of this economic mess is the elimination of the Federal Reserve.
