America’s Money-Grubbing, Racial Extortionists

No apology and certainly no reparations are going to make a bit of difference in the lives of those they are supposedly for.*

Tell me how an apology for slavery and Jim Crow makes blacks anybetter off. The answer, of course, is that it doesn’t. But to thatpoint, it never was about apologies was it? It has always been aboutreparations.

Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., head of the Congressional BlackCaucus said, “I would not want to have any language in place that woulddeny anyone, any citizen, the right to address a grievance.” For thosenot familiar with legalese – “right to address a grievance” is a benignway of saying, “right to sue for megabucks based on a real or perceivedwrong.”

Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said, “I feel that some methodother than just an apology should be made – people should be whole.”Once again, for those not familiar with the language, “should be madewhole,” simplistically put, means “should get a ton of money to repaira complaint.”

And that is exactly what has these elapidal, greedy,money-grubbing, racial extortionists so exercised. They want money, andthe apology is simply the viscous lubricant that greases themachinations of their intent.Even more egregious is the fact that most of the black citizenry, being overcome with their own dreams of what reparation dollars will buy – are too blind and/or jaundiced to understand that they are the useful idiots in a much larger and more complex shell-game.

First of all, America has apologized – often and repeatedly. America apologized when over 700,000 men, women and children died fighting a war that ultimately led to the end of slavery. America apologized by being a country with the good sense and decency to abolish slavery and Jim Crow. America apologized with equal rights, civil rights, Great Society initiatives, race-based affirmative action programs, Act 101, race-based contracts and set-asides, race-based business loans and mortgages, the permitting of segregated dormitories, graduations and proms to placate race mongers, color-coded jobs, and the list goes on and on. But the cry is for more – and those who profit from white guilt, coupled with corrupt opportunity, are working diligently to extort trillions of dollars based on a debt that has already been paid.


*While we can appreciate Mr. Massie’s (he is black) article the fact remains that even after some kind of reparations/compensation became a reality, it would simply manifest into a new set of problems based entirely on race. Clearly as a group blacks either want us gonefrom their lives or they want our people to capitulate to their demandsen masse. The totality of their efforts these many years should tell us– and especially them — that they want the constant source of illnessthat troubles their group’s welfare & sense of racial morality outof sight and out of mind. They have all but admitted how badly they hate usand how important it is for them to leave us. And we should obligethem, somehow. And when they do finally leave us, just imagine what we as a people could finally accomplish; unfettered by their endless problems and relinquishing our drive downward into the unending lowest common denominator.
