Once again the so-called “extremists” were right.
Well, it appears that Hillary has let the cat out of the bag. Forthose that donot believe that the CFR runs the show read this:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is not yet a member of theCouncil on Foreign Relations. After her July 15 speech at the CFR’sbranch office in the nation’s capital, she may never be offeredmembership. Why? Because she frankly and unequivocally stated what CFRbigwigs have never wanted known.
Mrs. Clinton confirmed that critics of the CFR are correct, that theorganization directs the U.S. government’s policies and steers ourcountry in ways that are harmful to its survival as an independentnation. Her remarks point to CFR members, those who have long beenworking against the best interests of the American people.
Introduced for her speech by Council President Richard N. Haass,Hillary began by thanking him for his kind words and expressing delightat being able to be at the relatively new CFR outpost “down the streetfrom the State Department.” She noted that she had often been insidethe “mother ship in New York City,” meaning the CFR’s main headquartersat Park Avenue and 68th Street. But after issuing these innocuouspleasantries, she told her very friendly audience:
We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’thave as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we shouldthink about the future.
The nation’s Secretary of State has blown the CFR’s cover! Fordecades, its officials and key members have protested that theorganization is a mere think tank that never takes a position on anysubject. But here we have our nation’s chief foreign policy officialadmitting that the CFR will tell her what to do and how to think. Andthe State Department even published her amazing admissions on its website. Why her remarks are so amazing deserves an explanation.
The CFR emerged in the aftermath of U.S. Senate’s rejection of ournation’s membership in the League of Nations. Officially in business asof 1921, the organization’s Foreign Affairs journal immediately calledfor the creation of a world government and an end to U.S. sovereignty.The group’s primary founder was President Woodrow Wilson’s top aide,Edward Mandell House, the author of a book in which he admitted he wasworking for “Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx.”
Marx, along with all the communists who revere him, also sought world government.
Entire books have been written to expose the CFR, the most reliablebeing The Shadows of Power by James Perloff. If Mr. Perloff had thebenefit of Hillary Clinton’s stunning admission, he certainly wouldhave included it in his widely distributed work. But he neverthelessdid an excellent job in showing that, through its strategically placedmembers, the CFR is a very powerful and extremely dangerousorganization. Much evidence to back up that assertion can be assembled.We provide only a few examples of what should be termed indications oftreasonous intent.
In 1974, former State Department official Richard N. Gardner wrotein Foreign Affairs that the desired goal of world government could notbe attained in a single leap. So he recommended performing “an end runaround national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece.” He said thiscould be accomplished via the IMF, the World Bank, a Law of the Seatreaty, disarmament programs, a United Nations military force, andmore. His urging, he contended, “can produce some remarkableconcessions of sovereignty that could not be achieved on anacross-the-board basis.” It is worth noting that no member of the CFRresigned after these flagrantly un-American ideas appeared in theirpublication.
It was even earlier that Georgetown University Professor CarrollQuigley revealed his awareness of the existence of a “secret society”to rule the world in his 1966 book Tragedy and Hope. He calmly anddelightedly mentioned that the U.S. branch of this grand undertakingwas “the Council on Foreign Relations.” While accepting the DemocraticParty’s nomination for president in 1992, Georgetown alumnus BillClinton acknowledged that his mentor had been the very same CarrollQuigley. Mr. Clinton has long held membership in the CFR, as didpresidential predecessors Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon, and Bush (theelder) while they served, and Ford and Carter who affiliated with theCFR soon after leaving the White House.
A great deal more can be offered to confirm the subversive andun-American posture of this powerful organization. For instance, itsleader for several decades was David Rockefeller. In 2002, hisautobiography entitled Memoirs became available. Referring to theenormous influence he and his family have exercised over our nation’saffairs, he wrote:
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against thebest interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as“internationalists” and of conspiring with others around the world tobuild a more integrated global political and economic structure – oneworld if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proudof it.
Guilty of what? Guilty of conspiring with others to build a oneworld government, the goal of the CFR. If successful, Rockefeller andothers who share his aim would cancel the Declaration of Independenceand tear up the U.S. Constitution.
And finally in this very short listing of indictments of theorganization, we turn to CFR President Richard N. Haass, the man whowelcomed Mrs. Clinton to the CFR’s office in DC. In February 2006, theTaipei Times reported that he is no less a pupil of Edward MandellHouse and no less an advocate of world government than any of hispredecessors. In part, he stated:
For 350 years, sovereignty — the notion that states are the centralactors on the world stage and that governments are essentially free todo what they want within their own territory but not within theterritory of other states — has provided the organizing principle ofinternational relations. The time has come to rethink that notion.
The CFR lists only 4,338 members. But these individuals sit atop theworlds of business, mass media, academia, military, foundations andgovernment. They are, as Washington Post writer Richard Harwood oncenoted, America’s “Ruling Class.” But they aren’t supposed to admit thatthey have the power to direct U.S. policy. Now, however, Secretary ofState Clinton has stated in very clear terms that what critics of theCFR have always maintained is correct. The CFR, she admits, tells herwhat to do and what to think. In following its lead, she is not alone.
Americans who wonder why our nation’s policies are soself-defeating, even un-American, must begin to understand that theCouncil on Foreign Relations is their main author. Repudiation of thisorganization, its members, and those who willingly accept directionfrom it (such as Mrs. Clinton) is not just a good idea; it’s a matterof national survival.