They have presented Patriotism as something evil or primitive becauseit is the soul of a nation and a barrier to reconstructing the nationalong ideological lines.
We have been transformed into a people of an idea from a nation foundedon kinship and land by stealth. There are two different views of anation. The progressive or ideological view is that a nation is notheld together by the bonds of history and memory, tradition and custom,language and literature, birth and faith, kin and territory, but byabstract ideas. An abstract or ideological nation is supposed to beunited by a set of ideals or are just an economy! They think that afondness for Democracy, the Rule of Law and Free Speech bindsimmigrants into a nation. But without the ethnic-cultural core a nationdissolves.Neither Democracy and Equality nor free markets are enough to hold apeople together. The progressives think we can transcend our historyand origins as a common people. This is the view I remarked in “Fillingthe Reality Gap” where people think they are creating a new nation.This follows the rationalist idea that if you get the premise right theright conclusion will follow but in practice human nature, accidentsand circumstances prevent the perfect conclusion. (1)
The naturalequality ideal was well shot by Jewish Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeliin Chapter 24 of “Lord George Bentinck: A Political Biography”(1852):“The Jews…are a living and the most striking evidence of the falsityof that pernicious doctrine of modern times, the natural equality ofman… but the natural equality of man now in vogue, and taking theform of cosmopolitan fraternity, is a principle which, were it possibleto act on it, would deteriorate the great races and destroy all thegenius of the world.