Barack Obama Depicted as The Joker

Stuff black people don’t like #283.

Ceasar Romero. Jack Nicholson. Mark Hamill. Heath Ledger. And now, Barack Hussein What do these five men have in common? They have all played the Joker, the sadistic clown that is Batman’s arch-nemesis and one of the more sinister antagonists in contemporary literature.

Now, it would be fair to say that all of the aforementioned people weren’t fully aware of the character they were portraying, but they have left an indelible on the general public in how the will forever be viewed.

Barack Obama was the first Black person to portray the Joker, and he has done so with gusto and disquieting brilliance. Merely digitally donning the High Prince of Evils makeup, Barack Obama has helped eradicate the iconic images of Heath Ledger’s imaginative depiction of the Joker in the 2008 film, The Dark Knight.

Now, when people think of the DC comic book villain and Batman’s age-old foe, they think of Barack Obama and the Joker posters that litter cyber-space, major cities and college campuses.
Already we have discussed how comic books dealt with the Barack Obama inauguration, which many people believe to be the greatest event in human history. Black people find it unsettling that every comic book cover, instead of just Spider-Man #513 and a few others, have not made the first Black president a regular character in EVERY comic book.
