We are not obsessed with race. People who are truly obsessed with raceare the leftist/Marxist academics who deny the existence of biologicalraces among humans while blaming minority failure on racialdiscrimination. So what is the need for this FAQ?
Western civilization, particularly America, is reeling under the impactof massive Third World immigration, minority handouts, affirmativeaction and a high frequency of crimes on the part of numerousnon-European ethnic groups. The people promoting this have not onlymade no attempts to examine whether the Third World masses possess thesame aptitude as whites and whether they can be made to behave likewhites, but also have attempted to sabotage attempts to answer thesequestions and persisted with their policies in spite of evidence thatdecades of affirmative action has not reduced the need for affirmativeaction for American blacks in the slightest amount, reduced theaptitude/performance gap between whites and blacks, made non-Europeansbehave like Europeans…in short make the non-Western populations Westernapart from looks. These individuals obviously need to convinceWesterners that aptitude/behavior differences between populations stemfrom the social environment, and therefore need to argue thatbiological differences between populations are minimal and limited tosuperficial differences, not aptitudes and behaviors. This is why theyare especially motivated to deny the existence of biological racesamong humans.
Are these people denying racial reality to promote racial harmony? Isit reasonable to attempt to promote harmony between ethnic groups bytelling a white person that you cannot get this job because yourancestors exploited the ancestors of this non-white who needs to becompensated in the form of getting your job? Does one promote mutualunderstanding by insisting that the failures of a non-white group stemfrom white racism? Is it reasonable to place together in the samegeographic region a large number of people from populations havingdifferent trait distributions pertaining to altruism, respect forindividual rights, criminality and intelligence if the traitdistributions are primarily caused by genetic differences between thepopulations? Obviously not. Therefore, if promoting racial harmony werea goal, these individuals would make sure that genetically-basedpopulation differences are ruled out before they implement their grandsocial schemes, but they have done the opposite, i.e., opposing aproper investigation of group differences. Some of these individualsare obviously malicious and hostile toward Western societies andWestern people, whereas the others have good intentions but areignorant and useful idiots for the malicious ones.
The malicious ones know fully well why they deny racial reality…tominimize opposition to their plans, namely the race replacement anddispossession of whites and the destruction of Western civilization.The irony is that for races to exist, there need not be anygenetically-based behavioral or aptitude differences between them.Conversely, the existence of genetically-based aptitude and behavioraldifferences between populations does not imply that these populationsbelong to separate races. However, it obviously helps the maliciousindividuals to minimize populations differences. Therefore, the purposeof this FAQis to hopefully get Western people to ask whether the behavior andaptitude differences they observe between populations possibly resultin part from genetic differences since there are numerous geneticdifferences between populations with respect to a lot of traits. Thepurpose of this FAQ is notto argue that since races exist, it follows that differences betweenthe races with respect to aptitude/behavior stem from geneticdifferences.
When more people start wondering whether genetic differences areinvolved, there will be a stronger sentiment in favor of a moratoriumon the grand social schemes currently in place till it is shown thatgenetic differences between populations are not involved in thediscrepancies regarding socially undesirable outcomes. At stake are thehealth of Western societies and white people, and these stakes arehigh. If indeed genetically-based differences between populations areimplicated, then the grand social schemes currently in place willsimply serve to convert First World productive societies to Third Worldhell-holes with a large and more crime-prone underclass that one couldhardly do anything about. It is fair to ask that a proper assessment ofthe most likely consequences of a grand social scheme be thoroughlyinvestigated before it is implemented.
A second purpose of this FAQ is to be of educational value regardless of any use that it could be put to.