A Tale of Two Militaries

Yes, Virginia, multiculturalism and other dangerous nostrums have indeed infected the highest echelons of the U.S. military.

As the Ft. Hood massacre and military “diversity” talk clearly shows, ours is a tale of two militaries.

One military is battle hardened and forward deployed; the other is soft, bureaucratic and backward. One military champions Theodore Roosevelt’s “manly virtues”; the other espouses leftwing feminist cant. One military takes the fight to the Jihadist enemy; the other cowers before the Jihadist lobby.

One military is faithful to America’s martial traditions; the other seeks to undermine those traditions. One military champions Washington and Lee, Jackson and Grant, McArthur and Patton; the other champions a softer and gentler leadership archetype.

One military champions excellence; the other champions “diversity.” One military champions fairness and equality; the other champions affirmative action, quotas and set-asides. One military is at war with the Islamists; the other is at war with the U.S. Constitution. One military is politically incorrect; the other kowtows to political correctness.

