Black Caucus Tells Obama You’ve Done Too Little For African-Americans

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Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) members on Wednesday criticized theObama administration for not doing enough to help African-Americansthrough the bleak economy.

Soonafter withholding their votes on a wide-ranging financial servicesbill, 10 CBC members said they are pressuring the White House to domore.

The House Financial Services Committee voted 31-27 in favor of thebill, but the lawmakers’ boycott came on a major financial measure theadministration wants to see Congress pass this month.

“We havenot been forceful enough in our efforts to protect the most vulnerableof our population,” said Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), who representsone of the nation’s poorest districts.  “We can no longer afford forour public policy to be defined by the worldview of Wall Street.”
The committee vote came shortly after White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel was seen leaving the panel’s private staff room.

