Racialmixing leads to racial extinction, not diversity, and eventually allthat will be left is one mongrelized, hybrid type of man. There isnothing noble or beautiful about this, it really is a crime againsthumanity.
While we asindividuals do not live forever, our efforts in life that contribute toour society and culture, and the genes that make us who we are, are ouronly links to a future beyond or own lifetime, and possibly toeternity. But without a nation of racially similar people to be a partof, what links are there? We have been robbed of our birthright; ourright to have a common bond with our own people.
“Racial diversity in the world is a wondrous thing, but whenpracticed within a nation it suppresses man’s instinctive urge to be apart of his own people, and through that, his connection to eternity,and that is a crime against humanity.