Left Targets Kevin MacDonald Again

What about these other “professors?”

By Anonymous Attorney
February 4, 2010

It’s long been rough going for Kevin MacDonald, the California State University/Long Beach psychology professor whose writings on “implicit whiteness”, Jewish influence and other topics have brought on SPLC ($PLC) investigations, faculty denunciations and, he blogs recently, classroom disruptors.

It’s a price to be paid in a time when advocacy for whites has become, bar none, America’s most towering taboo. The good professor might have to dip into the materials on “psychological stress caused by ostracism” floating around his office somewhere.

Here are some students bragging about efforts to have him removedfrom his teaching position, with a focus on his recent support for aThird Party effort:

“Senior English major Doug Kauffman was one of the studentswho led the demonstration in MacDonald’s class last Tuesday.

“‘We planned this [demonstration] at least a month in advance; the goal would be to have every student just get up and walk out,’ Kauffman said.

