It’s always about ‘hate’ when you’re a leftist.
If you click here you can read a transcript of Sarah Palin’s speech.Read it, if you care to, and see if you can find one line in there thatyou think could reasonably be called “hate speech.” Sure .. she saidsomething about Barack Obama and his teleprompter, and she said that weneed a commander in chief and not a law professor at a lectern. Neitherof those statements are hateful. Liberals could say such things and bebranded eloquent … but here comes Shrum with this gem:
“What we heard tonight was more a masterful exercise- masterful – in paranoid politics. I mean, she came across to me as amerchant of hate with an oh gosh smile..
There you go. Sarah Palin was a “merchant of hate.” That’s all Shrumcould come up with? The typical and tiring old liberal line about”hate?” We’ve talked here about this before. I can’t really pin downwhen this particular left-wing rhetorical tactic began, but there’s noquestioning the game plan. It’s simple: Whenever a conservativecriticizes a liberal or any liberal initiative you simply respond bysaying that the conservative is “full of hate” and engaging in “hatespeech.” I guess the theory here is that once you’ve labeled yourpolitical opponent or his ideas as “hateful” you are no longer underany obligation to respond to that person or their ideas. You just don’tdeal with hateful people, do you?
We’ve now come to the pointwhere liberals throw around the “hate” word with about the samefrequency as they toss in the “racist” word in a conversation. Butlet’s face it .. when these leftists try to engage their philosophicalopponents on the issues or in the arena of ideas; they lose. So they’rejust doing what they have to do.
Below aresome of the statements TV-lands favorite liberals had to say aboutSarah Palin and the Tea Party convention:
BILLPRESS: “We were interested in what you get for $100,000. Not much, isI’d have to say, you know. If I paid her that, I’d want my money back.”
BOB SHRUM: “What we heard tonight was more a masterful exercise -masterful – in paranoid politics. I mean, she came across to me as amerchant of hate with an oh gosh smile…”
RACHEL MADDOW: TomTancredo who started the event off with … a big loud racist bang …So the convention opened with a clarion call to bring back the literacytests for voting. And as you could hear, the tea party convention crowderupted in cheers at the suggestion, although, to be fair, it was sortof hard to tell exactly what the sounds coming from the crowd meant.They were sort of a little bit muffled by, you know, the white hoods.