Don’t talk to a federal investigator, ever, about anything. …it is best for every citizen not tospeak to a federal investigator about anything, ever.
This treatise is in no way meant as a criticism of Larken Rose or hislegal position on the Tax Code. But it is an excellent example of why acitizen of today should not cooperate in any way with law enforcementofficers of any kind, and in particular, with federal agents. Itdoesn’t matter if they are asking for your help as a possible witnessor just for information — or they consider you a suspect of some kind.Because so many people try to talk their way out of an initial lawenforcement contact situation, they go to prison. Most cops will admitthat 70% of the people in prison today wouldn’t be there if they’d justkept their mouths shut.
Best example: Martha Stewart. Stewart was not convicted of stocktrading fraud; she was convicted of lying to a federal investigator —which is a federal crime.
How do you avoid such a charge? Don’t talk to a federal investigatorof any kind, for any reason, ever, on or off the record. It’s always onthe record. Worden’s Rule 1: Stick your tongue between your teeth andbite down until the blood flows. Do not admit to anything. Especially,do not deny anything. Remain mute, no matter how long they try to dragthe interview out. Even if an attorney representing you is present, saynothing unless in the privacy of his/her office.
They will show you evidence that you did something. You will betempted beyond most human ability to resist to explain that evidenceaway. Don’t do it. Don’t agree to any kind of test, be it polygraph,blood test or even taking your fingerprints unless they force it uponyou, but through it all, remain silent.
They will tell you somebody said something incriminating about you,or that you were somewhere or that they said you were doing somethingor did something. Remain silent. Do not admit to or deny anything. Ifthey ask you how you’re feeling, say nothing. If they ask you if it’sraining and you know it is coming down like Noah’s Flood, say nothing.
Worden’s Rule 2: Force the law enforcement agents to work only withthe evidence they have. Do not allow your attorney or yourself toprovide them with any defense you plan to use if you are charged with acrime unless and until you are in court and testifying to a jury — ifthat is necessary or wise at all. That way, they have to guess whatdefense you plan to use, which makes it much more difficult for aprosecutor to prepare the case they have against you.
Never speak to anyone, especially a cellmate in jail, about yourcase and how innocent or guilty you are. Remain absolutely silent onthe matter, and especially during telephone conversations. Lawenforcement officers largely depend on suspects to try to talk theirway out of a situation so they don’t have to spend time in jail. Whenthey do talk, everything they say gives the law enforcement agentplaces to go, places to look, people to talk to, etc., and thatadditional input often is what lands the suspect in prison, guilty ornot. Law enforcement agents will tell you they are only trying toeliminate you as a suspect. You will be tempted to help them. Don’t doit. Stay absolutely silent no matter how guilty they will say it makesyou look.
Wordens Rule 3: If you are charged with a crime, the only time itcounts for you to offer an explanation is in front of the judge or juryhearing your case — and in most cases like that, it is still better youdon’t testify at all because when you do you can be cross-examined bythe prosecution.
Worden’s Rule 4: Never allow your attorney or yourself to waive yourright to a speedy trial. Prosecutors and investigators use the time youare waiting for trial to develop more evidence against you. Bydemanding your constitutional right to a speedy trial, you shorten thetime they have to build a stronger case against you. You reduce thetime a witness might be identified or located to testify against you.If they proceed with prosecuting you with the shoddy evidence they haveand you are acquitted, they cannot try you again for the same crime,even if you walk out of the courthouse after an acquittal and admit tothe press you did it!
Look at what happened to Scott Peterson. Not only did he talk to theModesto cops, he allowed interviews with reporters that were later usedto paint him a liar. Had Peterson remained absolutely silent, no matterhow guilty it might have made him look, a lot of the “liar” evidenceused to convict him would never have been made available to theprosecution and the jury. Getting back to the feds: The federalgovernment made it a crime to merely lie to a federal investigator.
For that reason and that reason alone, don’t talk to a federalinvestigator, ever, about anything. They enacted and enforce that law,so it is best for every citizen not to speak to a federal investigatorabout anything, ever. They can’t charge you with lying to them if youhaven’t spoken to them.