The State of Things to Come

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

I’m Joseph Evers.

Very few of you know or care about me. I’m the largest shareholder of ED, and I guess that makes me the “owner”. I’m generally pretty absent in the management of this website. I’d apologize for that but it doesn’t make a lot of money. What we do at Encyclopedia Dramatica is a labor of love, and we all put in what we can. Largely, the great team of volunteers really makes things work for this website, and your donations and page views have been (barely) making ends meet lately. No matter what the current administration and news will tell you, we are in a worsening depression. The last depositors of my fund left 2 years ago despite year after year profitability with no losses and they haven’t come back. Most everyone I know is broke and unemployed. Things are hard, and if Encyclopedia Dramatica were still relying on my pocketbook it would have died when that particular well dried up. So thank you all for contributing to this community. This is truly the most free collaborative publishing platform on the Internet and it would not exist without your love and support.For those unaware, Encyclopedia Dramatica has been in a lot of trouble in Australia lately. First ED was placed on the ACMA blacklist, a “secret” list of websites to be censored throughout Australia in their upcoming internet filter. After this list was leaked to the public, we all laughed about how we were put on a blacklist with “Wikipedia entries, euthanasia sites, websites of fringe religions, Christian sites, and even the websites of a tour operator and a Queensland dentist“. Meanwhile, Australia Communications Minister Stephen Conroy called for the arrests of Australians publishing the list.

