Obama’s Destruction Of Capitalism

Or: how NOT to stop the Gulf of Mexico’s Deep Water oil disaster and other environmental issues.

Obama’s administration is rapidly replacing capitalism (1), markets and free enterprise with socialism and total government control. In Marxist theory socialism is a stage on the way to the overthrow of capitalism and establishment of communism.  It’s doing this by finding examples of capitalist ‘failures’ and using them to justify government regulation and takeover.

It’s easy because there are always examples. It’s made easier by the inherent distrust and dislike of people successful in industry and business, a continuation of the historical social struggle underscored by the Industrial Revolution.


Ultimately, environment and climate change are of no consequence to this administration. Despite all the rhetoric they’ve done virtually nothing to deal with the oil disaster in the Gulf and they’ve let BP fumble. It suggests political opportunities of denigrating industry outweigh environmental concerns. They are simply vehicles to achieve political control.


(1) Re: capitalism: European Americans United advocates economic nationalism, which places the economy at the service of the nation; we believe that the welfare of our people should supersede all other things, including the ability of multinational corporations to exploit or ignore our people for unbridled profits.
