Obama Cleanses the Terrorism Glossary

Aid and comfort to the enemy

President Obama and his cast of aides will lash out at Republicans, the Tea Party, banks, oil companies and Arizona. But when it comes to radical Islam, Obama-ites treat it with kid gloves or ignore it altogether.

Recent speeches show that—rather than identifying the enemy for what it is, bands of Islamic extremists who use their religion to justify murder—the administration searches for the root cause of terrorism, a “why do they hate us?” obsession which serves only to paralyze a global war to defeat terrorist killers.

Islamic extremists use mosques to raise funds, recruit and plan attacks. In Pakistan tribal areas, Taliban and al Qaeda use mosques as safe havens and as munitions stockpiles. Imams, Muslim religious leaders, use their positions to preach hate and encourage violence, citing verses from the Koran.

When Faisal Shahzad pleaded guilty this week to trying to blow up an SUV in Times’ Square, he declared himself a “Muslim soldier.”

