7 Things You Should Always Buy Generic

Be smart, save money in these perilous times. ~Ed.

Save just $5 a day, or $150 a month, for 30 years — earn 10 percent on it — and you’ll end up with a nest egg of $342,000. Would that make a difference in your life? (By the way, if you’re wondering how the heck you can make 10% on your savings, you can’t — at least without risk. ….)

The tricky part is saving that $5 without sacrificing your quality of life. And one of many ways of doing that is to pay for name brands only when name brands make a difference. Sound obvious? Take a quick stroll around any grocery store and you’ll see that it must not be at all obvious, because the shelves are stuffed with products that cost extra — sometimes a whole lot extra — in exchange for nothing more than a name.

I recently took a camera into a local grocery store and found some amazing price differences between name brand items and their generic equivalents. Check out the video below, then meet me on the other side for more.


