A Simple Question

Many of our people’s advocates have done a heroic job of providing us with simple yet effective tools capable of slicing through the entrenched cacophony of political correctness

By Frank Roman

Audio Version Here

As many European American advocates know only too well, it is extremely difficult if not seemingly impossible to overcome deeply entrenched manifestations of political correctness, anti racism, tolerance and equality. The early warning beacons which alert the long termed impressionable masses of even the most benign opposition to these nation killing ideologies are everywhere. Pervasive media outlets, universities, “churchianity”, and most levels of government exist solely to provide our lives with synthetic perceptions and illogical values, especially when it comes to the issue of white American identity and survival in a rapidly changing homeland. Of course, the most effective weapon in their arsenal to silence dissent is the word “racist.” This one accusatory word can cause a productive well rounded person to lose their livelihood, disrupt family ties, ruin friendships, and even bring them under the scrutiny of police agencies that are beholden to certain anti-white criminal enterprises posing as civil rights organizations. These results and others in the minds of the malleable and authoritarian is just punishment for those who rebel against the religion of equality. Indeed, I’d go so far as to say these collaborators would deem the solution to the problem with races and nationalities under “Uncle Joe” Stalin’s’ Russia as “acceptable”.
Consequently there’s a lot of politically correct “noise” out there for white American activists to overcome, the volume of which can be irresistible and suffocating as they responsibly attempt to awaken others. In fact I would personally liken it to attending a heavy metal concert while trying to hold a conversation with someone at the front of the stage; making the accusation of racist that much easier to hurl because no one can hear the other end of the conversation; and most will likely not even try to listen. Sam Francis once wrote: “Racism, therefore, is a term originating on the left, and has been so defined and loaded with meanings the left wants it to have that it cannot now be used by the supporters of white racial consciousness for any constructive purpose. Anyone who uses the term to describe himself or his own views has already allowed himself to be maneuvered onto his opponents’ ground and has already lost the debate. He may try to define the word differently, but he will need to spend most of his time explaining that he does not mean by it what everyone else means. As a term useful for communicating ideas that the serious supporters of white racial consciousness wish to communicate, the term is useless, and it was intended by those who developed it that it be useless for that purpose”. — Sam Francis

As an appendix to Mr. Francis’ testimonial we should add that while lengthy public discourse coupled with ideological and scientific facts and figures may work well in certain instances, most of the time the average consumer will gloss over realism and reflexively dismiss them in favor of the easier and more comfortable mindsets they already know: anti racism, tolerance and equality. That’s why knife-like simplicity can be our most valuable weapon. For example the sport of judo is based on using your opponents own power and weight against himself for your own defense, and at times that is what we must do when working on behalf of our people. We have to capture a person by their own words. In fact you may have to goad or persuade them into what you want them to say, which agrees with their point of view and yet meet the terms of your argument. Many of these otherwise good people cannot comprehend the extent to which the media negatively influences them in the present age; especially fuelling hatred against pro European American activists; and so at times simplicity is your most effective weapon.

Indeed, for years many of our people’s advocates have done a heroic job of providing us with simple yet effective tools capable of slicing through the entrenched cacophony of political correctness. I would also go so far as to say our condition as a people right now would be far worse if not for the intellectual stubbornness of these men and women. I have always envied these kinds of thinkers no matter what direction they came from on the white advocacy scale. One sterling example of what we’re discussing here today is a declaration authored by former Reagan appointee Robert Whitaker, called Bob’s Mantra. In this simple yet effective credo Mr. Whitaker says among other things:

“Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.”


“What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY Black Country and ONLY into black countries?”

“How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?”

“And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?”

The iron clad beauty of this mantra is not only its simplicity but the fact that anyone who tries to twist it around or redefine it in a politically correct format fails miserably every time; at which point the onus will be on him to explain their failure—at best in public. Regardless of the person’s race or orientation they simply cannot prevail. Like judo you have used your opponents own weight and strength against himself, and now you have him where you want him — at knife point. Perhaps now a seed has been planted and they’ll think twice; not only about the racial point at hand but also before engaging another media created version of a dreaded “racist.”

At any rate if you will indulge me here today I’d like to think I can contribute to the same kind of simplicity via intellectual judo that others have offered on behalf of our people. Let’s call it Frank’s Question. It’s a very simple question based on an uncomplicated premise. Here it is.

“Let’s say we discovered three new planets at the outer reaches of our solar system. And let’s say we discovered each planet was inhabited by certain humans of the same race that exist on earth.
The first is called planet Africa and is inhabited by Africans, or black people.
The second is called planet Orient and is inhabited by Orientals or yellow people.

The third planet is called planet Europa and is inhabited by Europeans, or white people.

Long ago all three planets entered into an agreement not to infiltrate or immigrate to the others; choosing instead to trade peacefully and be good interplanetary neighbors.

In the event of a nuclear holocaust on Earth, and you had the means to escape, to which planet would you try to reach in order to live? Not visit, but to live?”

As far as I’m concerned any white person who says they’d rather live on either planet Africa or planet Orient IS LYING in order to ‘get one over on you’ by demonstrating their twisted sense of egalitarianism. While this kind of response may sound good in their own heads, when articulated it sounds downright insane. Therefore, they will have to explain their embrace of Marxism and the hatred of their own kind, because that’s exactly what they’re talking about. Indeed the same goes for anyone else of a different race who is asked to answer this question. Give it some thought. You’ll see.

The iron clad effectiveness of this HUMBLE question is not only its simplicity but the fact that anyone who tries to get around it or redefine it in a politically correct manner will fail miserably every time; at which point the onus will be on him to explain their failure—at best in public. Regardless of the person’s race or orientation, regardless of the kind of politically correct response they may give, they simply will not prevail because there is only one right answer, and that depends not only on the kind of person you are communicating with but how brainwashed they are. Essentially, as in Bob’s mantra and scores of other propositions in print and in audio you have effectively boxed in your adversary by providing a wickedly simple conundrum.  They are now in a jam. You are looking directly into their eyes and brain as they attempt to squirm out of their intellectual prison. They know that you must be overcome because they have been told YOU are the racist, but how can they do it without displaying their insincerity? The truth is they cannot. They can either lie to themselves or lie to you, but either way you will know and be given ample opportunity to either humiliate them or shed some light on a lifetime of indoctrination. Like judo you have used your opponents own weight and strength against himself, and now you have him where you want him — at knife point. I do hope you can use this question and I hope it’s helpful. Perhaps you will plant a seed and they’ll think twice; not only about the sensible racial point at hand but also think before engaging another media created version of a dreaded “racist” – whatever that’s supposed to mean.

Thanks for listening.
