White Nationalists & the Political “Mainstream”

If we do not devote all our resources to promoting our message, then who will?

by Greg Johnson

White Nationalists want political power. We want to gain it, and keep it, and use it to turn our race from the path to extinction back to the path to the stars.

We have truth and right on our side, and we’re going to win.

But let’s not lose sight of where we are today. White Nationalists are a tiny, powerless, despised minority. We are poorly-organized, poorly-funded, and poorly-led. Aside from the internet, we have no way of getting our message to the masses. The political system is rigged against us. The reigning moral consensus holds racism to be the ultimate evil.

We are, moreover, a magnet for dysfunctional types: drunks, cranks, hobbyists, depressives, pathological liars, histrionic narcissists, grandiose maniacs, and outright psychotics. Until we learn to identify and avoid such people, the best we can hope for is two steps forward, one step back. All too often, it is two or three steps back.

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