‘Free Edgar Steele’ Update: “Brain Worms” and James Maher

The US Government has confirmed that Fairfax went in the company of a neighbor of the Steeles named James Maher, brother of the comedian, Bill Maher. The Assistant US Attorney and FBI agent involved confirmed James Maher’s involvement.

Attached here is a brief article which connects some important dots between Mr. Steele and those who harbor evil intent against he and his family.  Cyndi Steele’s attorney Wesley Hoyt is the author.  Included is Mr. Steele’s commentary, “Brain Worms” from 2007.

What do you know of the Edgar Steele case?

He is the First Amendment Idaho lawyer who was jailed 6-11-10 on bogus (that is “Fake”) FBI murder for hire charges, supposedly to kill his wife, Cyndi Steele and his mother-in-law, because they both say he is innocent and that the Government is making it up (just as they made up the crime for the Portland Christmas Tree bomber and have made up many, many others, just ask attorney Steve Downs of New York University).  According to Special Agent Todd Smith of the BATF&E, who testified in a detention hearing in Federal Court in June, the pipe bomb that FBI informant Larry Fairfax put on Cyndi Steele’s car, was lethal and the “largest” of its kind he had ever seen. Thereafter, and unknowingly, she had the misfortune to transport this lethal bomb, like a Weapon of Mass Destruction, through populated areas for three weeks (May 28-June 15). Had it exploded, undoubtedly many would have been killed or injured.

A local Idaho state judge, James Michaud, who was acting as the attorney for the informant on June 8, 2010, helped keep the bomb’s existence a secret (that is a crime known as obstruction of justice) until the bomb was accidentally discovered while the car was in an oil change garage, just before a federal court hearing in Coeur d’Alene, ID on June 15, 2010. The discovery shut down the whole area until the bomb squad could blow it up. It looks as if the FBI actually had enough information by June 9th or 10th to suspect there was a bomb involved, but failed to act, putting at risk thousands of US Citizens in three states: Idaho, Washington and Oregon.

As the attorney for the wife, I have been seeking to protect her statutory crime victim’s right which have been run over and trampled by the US Attorney in favor of the Government informant, Larry Fairfax, whom, strangely, the FBI now says is a “good guy.” On May 31, 2010, after attaching the bomb to the car on about May 27th, Fairfax and at least one accomplice chased after Mrs. Steele for over 450 miles to “check” why the bomb had not gone off.

The US Government has confirmed that Fairfax went in the company of a neighbor of the Steeles named James Maher, brother of the comedian, Bill Maher. The Assistant US Attorney and FBI agent involved confirmed James Maher’s involvement but refuse to charge him with aiding and abetting, acting as a co-conspirator or racketeering, even though he has admitted his involvement in this plot to murder Mrs. Steele. Incidentally, Fairfax, who had been the Steele’s handyman, has not been charged with the theft of $45,000 in silver savings from the Steele’s residence (for which he was motivated to concoct a murder for hire plot involving Mr. Steele as a means to cover up his theft) nor has he been charged with obstruction of justice for remaining silent about the bomb after he promised to disclose all criminal activity on June 8th; which means, Mrs. Steele and the world around her was at risk of a terrorist style bomb explosion for at least a week longer than necessary, interrupted only by the fact that the bomb was accidentally discovered.

The two of them (Fairfax, who claims he made the bomb, and James Maher the neighbor who apparently wanted Cyndi Steele killed) after traveling to Oregon and “checking” on the bomb, “assumed” that the bomb must have fallen off while being transported; so the two of them decided (that is, they made a conscious decision) not to warn anybody and to kept it secret until the bomb was discovered by Mrs. Steele and an oil change mechanic on June 15, 2010.

There are so many “bad guys” and bad buys turned good guys in this case that it reads more like the plot of a grade B movie script rather than real life. Maybe that’s what it is, just another “FAKE” crime, scripted by the FBI to help them achieve certain objectives (as Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Secretary of the Treasury under Ronald Regan, and attorney Steven Downs, professor of law at New York University say: to prove that they, the FBI, is “relevant,” to “justify their existence,” to establish the need for their $8.3 billion budget, to help others make money (such as Michael Chertoff from the sale of total body scanners), to promote the need for a police state and to help deflect the public focus away from U.S. aggression in other nations which support terrorism.

Who knows what forces are truly behind the false accusations against attorney Edgar J. Steele, but one thing is for certain, whoever has concocted this fake case against him definitely has a great deal of political clout.

This article revised 12-02-10 by Wesley W. Hoyt, former prosecuting attorney.



