Review: The Gods of Color [Kindle Edition]

Charlton Heston, in a speech before the Arizona legislature, summed it up perfectly: Political correctness is just tyranny with manners.

Let’s face it: Who here can say what you really believe? Who here doesn’t edit your words and cleanse your thoughts to mollify the reactionaries? Whose zeal and fervor and passion for greatness isn’t straitjacketed by bureaucracy? It scares me to death, and should scare you too, that the tyranny of political correctness now rules the halls of governance. The quest for this politically-correct state of diversity is killing our country, economically and socially and physically. That’s the long and short of it. We’re no longer the great melting pot which allowed Poles, Italians, Germans, Chinese, Japanese, Jamaican and Irish immigrants to come to our country with their best foot forward, demanding nothing but a chance, poor but proud. They left their languages and customs to become Americans, while trying to learn the language of their new land and adopt its customs.
Diversity is a cruel hoax. It leads us to believe that a workplace full of different languages is good. Lack of communication is never good. If you think it leads to greater communication and richness of life, you’ve obviously never called a customer service line only to be transferred to someone based in another country and doesn’t understand a word you are saying. Sorry, I’m not buying any alleged benefits of diversity. When I call customer service, I want an Italian or German or Japanese decendant who speaks great English and lives and works in the USA.

If any of what I just described appeals to you then this is the book for you. The book itself is a satire that shows how we as a nation have gone too far and have let political correctness and diversity control our lives. I wish there were more books like this one. If there are more books out there like this one let me know; its nice to see someone writing about a real issue for once.

Download Gods of Color here
