The Importance of Columbus Day

Men like Columbus didn’t endure sufferings, privations, danger and even death so we could, like Esau, trade our inheritance for a mess of liberal, multicultural pottage.

Columbus Day has suffered an unprecedented diminution in importance in recent years, at least in the eyes of the solons of modern American culture.

Why? Columbus Day celebrates Christopher Columbus, the first European (white person) to come to the Western Hemisphere and make the presence permanent. Columbus Day, in other words, celebrates the advent of the White race in the so-called New World of the Americas.

This, of course, is the last thing that the multicultural Left wants celebrated. Their guiding principal, invented by both Trotsky and the Cultural Marxists at approximately the same time, is best summed up by the late, unlamented Susan Sontag’s famous quote, “The white race is the cancer of human history.” Who wants to celebrate cancer? Consequently, Columbus Day has been transformed from a holiday into an occasion for weeping, wailing, rending of garments and gnashing of teeth by the Left.

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