Forest Service Says Its Broke, But Needs More ‘Diversity’ Hires

On November 3, 2011, the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) filed a grievance against the US Forest Service over anti-white, anti-competitive hiring practices.

The grievance stems from two decisions by the Forest Service described in a July 19, 2011, email from Forest Service Chief Thomas Tidwell.  Citing the appalling fiscal position of the Federal government as a whole, Chief Tidwell, presumably in consultation with other high-ranking officials, instituted an agency-wide hiring freeze.  In the same email, Chief Tidwell went on to say:

“This pause will also allow us to take a fresh look at our approach to recruitment and outreach for the skill sets and diversity we need to serve the public and our mission in the 21st Century.”

Further on, Chief Tidwell states:“The [National Leadership Council] has been advised that the [Executive Leadership Team] has committed to improve workforce diversity throughout our agency by hiring 100 highly qualified individuals into the Forest Service in the next 30 days. These will be exceptions to the pause, and will provide a great pool of candidates for some of the positions you will need filled during this period.”

You read that correctly.  In light of the unprecedented Federal budget deficit, the US Forest Service is accelerating race-based, anti-competitive hiring efforts that deliberately harm white Americans.  At a time when Federal agencies should be scrutinizing their business practices to weed out waste, fraud, and ineptitude, the US Forest Service is using the fiscal crisis to slam the door shut on qualified white applicants and qualified white employees seeking career advancement.

Read Chief Tidwell’s initial email here:
Read the NFFE’s initial response here:
