Sign of the Times: Bread and Circuses
When European Americans become as serious about their existence and the preservation of their children as they do over a corporate game we will have won everything. 2012-01-09
The voice of the European American nation
When European Americans become as serious about their existence and the preservation of their children as they do over a corporate game we will have won everything. 2012-01-09
Why, it sounds like the apocalypse! On New Year’s Day, NBC honking head Andrea Mitchell tried making America hip to the Hawkeye State’s unforgivable lack of hipness: The rap on Iowa: it doesn’t represent the […]
“To open the borders for foreigners is a dangerous utopia. Bearing in mind the demographic explosion in the Third World, there would be millions of people wandering to an already overpopulated Europe. The damage on […]
Calling out the neocons has never been sweeter. “>. 2012-01-08
“>. 2012-01-08
Beltway neocons squirm Ron Paul returned to the spotlight Saturday night by attacking his rivals for the Republican nomination. The Texas congressman launched ferocious attacks against Rick Santorum, who has surged in the polls recently, […]
Because, as we all know, Asians Mexicans and blacks just love each other so very much. Self-described ‘truth seeker’ and claiming to be an emerging living legend, a DJ and self-proclaimed preacher who calls himself […]
More and more cities have an area like this… If you’re visiting Atlanta and aren’t looking to be shot in the face, swarmed by smack dealers, stopped by cops merely for being white, or set […]
On top of this, there are two precincts that seem to have “lost the votes.” Did anyone else catch this ?? The Iowa caucus is only a few days away and the nation’s attention will […]
Just a note to educate yourselves on Federal and your state laws so that, when the time comes, you don’t have to ask 911 for permission… On Christmas Day, 18-year-old Sarah McKinley lost her husband […]