Hannity Buddy Thanks God For Slavery

One reason why some people become extremely hostile to anyone who violates a political correctness speech rule and utters some taboo truth is that the utterance of the truth serves as a reminder that others have been emasculated and silenced.

Since he’s so concerned about President Obama’s “radical associations,” we’d like to hear Hannity’s explanation for sitting on the advisory board of a charity run by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. We’ve got a video showing African American Peterson thanking God and the white man for slavery and comparing slave ships to riding coach in an airplane: “It’s a tough ride. But you’re happy when you get to your destination.”

Sean Hannity has been obsessed with his widely-ridiculed “exposé” that shows President Obama introducing and then hugging “radical” (read: racist) Harvard professor Derrick Bell at a Harvard demonstration in 1990. According to Hannity, this is proof that Obama is a racist radical, too.
So what does Hannity say about the comments of his pal, Peterson, seen in a video below (uploaded to YouTube in 2008) thanking God and the white man for slavery? Specifically, Peterson says:

