Wanted: A Sharp Family Lawyer

by John Young

It is well-known that our Folk are in severe demographic decline and we need all the European-derived babies we can get. As I have previously described, marriage is in free-fall and nearly half of all the European-American babies who manage to be brought into this world are born into homes without a father. Because of the extremely anti-father and anti-male biases in our family court system, an increasing number of white men are opting for vasectomies before they ever have kids.[sup1[/sup Many men who are capable of fathering healthy offspring are in circumstances where having babies is unwise for various reasons.

EAU is currently exploring a solution for this problem in the form of a Free Known Sperm Donor registry and match-making service that will allow white women to choose a donor from among male EAU members who volunteer.

We are seeking a sharp family lawyer who will donate his or her time to help make this effort as successful as possible. There are both potential FDA issues and issues with State laws to be navigated successfully in order to make this as legally safe and effective as possible for all parties.

If you are a sharp family lawyer who cares about our demographic decline and is willing to donate your time and effort to advise us and help us bring this project to fruition, please contact me, John Young, directly via our http://www.europeanamericansunited.org/home/contact. Thank you!

