Note: The following is the text of the speech I delivered in Stockholm on 28 July 2012 at the Identitär Idé IV conference.
by Alex Kurtagic
When we speak of moving towards a world with multiple poles we are, indirectly, operating within a narrative of collapse. It’s the other side of the convergence of catastrophes. Thus, on the one hand we are looking at the world before the collapse,and on the other hand we are looking at the world after the collapse.
I want to talk about the collapse itself.
Because there is a standard narrative of collapse within our general area of politics, but no thoughtful examination of this narrative, even though it is recurrent, pervasive, and iconic, to the degree that it has become invisible.The fact that there is a narrative of collapse to begin with, a conventionalised prophecy of catastrophe, is a notorious blind spot for a milieu that likes to think of itself as visionary.
The collapse is visualised as follows:
An event occurs, which is disruptive . . .Morbidly obese, obsessed with video games, anesthesised by low-brow daytime television, the White man is suddenly re-Aryanised . . .Brutal and ultra-masculine, with a newly grown pair, he grabs his Magnum 45, and rises up in revolt . . .
A race war ensues . . .Continue