John Derbyshire On The Second Debate

The subject of immigration was a lukewarm ‘ink shooting’ contest.

Following the first presidential debate twelve days ago, it quickly became received wisdom that Mitt Romney had won a major victory over a Barack Obama who was not trying very hard.

I found this a bit puzzling.  I gave Romney a win on points,  but didn’t see any stunning upset.  I was not alone in my un-stunned-ness, either:  out here on the dissident right, neither Steve Sailer nor Peter Brimelow (word of mouth) were impressed by Romney.  Among the bigfoot commentariat, too, there were dissenters:  Brit Hume of Fox News was similarly un-stunned.

My best guess as to what happened is something like this.
Leftist commentators had all internalized the notion that Barack Obama is the most intelligent, quick-witted, socially-dominant Master of the Universe ever to appear among mortals.  When, in that first debate, he failed to leave Mitt Romney on the floor in a fetal position, quivering and weeping, they were aghast.  They turned angrily on their hero.  (As some wit remarked when Obamamania first swept the nation: The problem with being taken for Jesus Christ is that you’re setting yourself up for crucifixion.)

For conservatives, even for us Romney skeptics, the rage of the left was delicious to watch.  I especially enjoyed seeing Chris Matthews’ head explode.

