by Quinton
Though the secession petitions on the White House “We the People” website have no legal force, the Obama Administration has promised a response for any petition that garners more than 25,000 signatures.
So far, the petition for Texas has garnered more than three times the necessary signatures, and Louisiana’s has crossed the threshold. Petitions from North Carolina, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, and Georgia have all gained more than 20,000 signatures, indicating that they will cross the threshold soon.
We encourage our members and supporters to sign whatever petition is related to your state.
Just go to the We the People website, and use the search function to find a petition for your State, then sign it!Though these petitions have no legal force, they are important because they let people know that they are not alone, and most importantly they put the State legislatures on notice, because it is the State legislatures that can initiate a fully legal secession.