A Betrayal

by Doug Eiderzen

We all have an idea of what a traitor happens to be. For many people, the epitome or best example of a traitor may be Brutus, Benedict Arnold, or Judas Iscariot; however, the examples, definitions and synonyms are numerous. And, also, numerous are the reasons by which the traitor will try to justify his or her actions. Some of these reasons may include a seeking of power, prestige, misguided politics, misguided religious values, pressure from various groups and various people, a type of guilt or blame, the pursuit of pleasure, and, of course, the love of money.

From the three examples cited above, let us come forward many years and examine the term traitor for our day and age and for our people (European Americans/Europeans [those belonging to our Western culture and ethnicity]). Let us, also, place an adjective in front of the term traitor. That adjective or descriptive word will be “race”. We will examine the term “race traitor” from the European American/European/Western point of view. There are many appearances and approaches that someone in this category takes. However, let us examine the race traitor that is involved within the scheme of political affairs: the person that knowingly, through the affairs of state, moves to undermine, damage, and eventually eliminate or destroy his or her race.

What injury has this deserter, of his or her race, actually accomplished?

We will visit some examples of damage, and continuing harm, that this race traitor has accomplished:

> The activity of war-it should be evident and apparent that most of the individuals dying, in conflict, belong to the European American/European race. If this were not true, there would be no warfare. Conflict has been given to us by the race traitor.

> Egalitarianism, miscegenation, and multiculturalism, and all that goes with such, has been provided for us by the race traitor. Watch how this person votes for open borders, watch how this person votes for citizenship for the non-European American/European person, and watch how this person votes for any issue that is against the European American/European.

> The family that has had a loved one injured by a non-European American/European or the family that has lost a loved one at the hands of a non-European American/European may thank a race traitor for the tragedy.

European Americans/Europeans (EAE) should not only cherish our Founding Fathers’ words of guidance, we must observe their actions. Again, it is not only words to which we adhere, but to visible actions. These actions are exact: a country for European Americans/Europeans. Such is the behavior of our Founding Fathers (EAE) as guidance and direction for us (EAE). So, just who did the Founding Fathers recognize as citizens? The race traitor has betrayed the Founding Fathers and all that was given to those individuals of Western ethnicity and Western civilization and Western mindset. Most assuredly, our Founding Fathers (EAE) initiated and established a country for European Americans and Europeans: for whom would build a house for someone other than his or her own? Our antagonists will confess and admit to the above statement (StarTribune.com, “Always room in the budget for white guilt”, by Katherine Kersten, April 9, 2011). Now, we did not desire our country to become non-European American/European. So, who has activated and pursued the present racial situation within our country? There is one answer only: the race traitor.

In the scheme of government workings, regardless of party affiliation, the Hispanic will always vote for the betterment of his or her people, the African will always vote for the betterment of his or her people, etc. (case in point: the politically racial caucuses and ethnic groups). Now, the European American/European will always vote to the detriment and to the damage and to the harm of his or her people (e.g., Affirmative Action, racial quotas, open borders, etc.).

Most certainly, there was help from outsiders in the “sell-out” of our race (the EAE) and our countries, but this sell-out could not have been accomplished without the involvement of the traitor within our own.

The European American/European race traitor is truly a sad and miserable creature for he or she has forsaken his or her race and, thereby, does not belong; and, when his or her duties are completed for the benefit of the outsider, the race traitor will be discarded. The European American/European race traitor has become a curse and anathema to his or her own people, culture, and ethnicity. The race traitor has betrayed our past, present, and future; that person has betrayed our children and our children’s children.
