Rapper Akon: Every Black American Should Move to Africa Because Of Zimmerman Verdict

I’m good with that. ~ F. Roman

Rap singer Akon apparently feels that the United States of America isn’t for blacks and in the wake of the George Zimmerman not guilty verdict the rapper took to social media to urge African Americans to drop the “American” part and become just Africans by emigrating there.

Akon, whose full name is Aliaune Damala Akon Thiam, calls himself a Senegalese American and is an R&B and Hip Hop artist with two Billboard Hot 100 hits to his credit. Interestingly, he was once listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the #1 selling artist for master ringtones in the world.
Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Akon spent his early years in Senegal, Africa and describes that country as his “hometown,” so it might not surprise anyone that he is advocating for all blacks in the US to move to his adopted home; Africa.

In any case, right after the Zimmerman verdict was revealed to the world, Akon took to Instagram to urge black Americans to leave the country:

Every African American in the United States need to move their money, family, knowledge back to Africa were u will be treated like the royalty you are. You don’t deserve this treatment. This is not your country!!

Many on the left are making this whole thing about race and illegitimately so, I might add. Racism had precisely nothing at all to do with the shooting of Trayvon Martin. The all female jury came to understand this just fine.

Original with links and video….
